Chapter 1- First day

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                      Feliks POV

Oh Jeez, it's my first day of going to this whole new school. I wonder what's it going to be like, Elizabeta is gonna be there so I'm not really worried...I think. I think about alot of thoughts while I get ready.

I go downstairs to eat some breakfast, I see my dad rushing to go to work. "Breakfast is ready for you! Eat up! Im going to work now, Bye!" He said as he rushed out of the door and locked it. My mom said the bus would be ready at 7:30 am. I check my phone and it says 7:00 am, phew I sigh in relief. I eat my breakfast which was just cereal with milk.

After a few minutes I go outside with my bag to wait for the bus stop. The bus was coming, then stopped. The bus driver opened the doors. I slowly step in and sit at the closest free seat there. Oh god, there was alot of students. Some of them were even staring at me. The person beside me was just looking out the window. The bus started to go and I just awkwardly sat there.

We go to the school. I slowly get off the bus and I see Elizabeta.

"Feliks!" She exclaimed as she waved to me. I waved back and rushed to her and gave her a big hug.

"I missed you!" I said dearly.

"Haha! Same! So how are you?". She asked

"Oh I'm I'm doing fine." I reply as the bell rang. I followed Elizabeta into the school. We get all ready, I go to my new "locker" as she guided me.

"Your first class is in math, which is to your left and keep going there until you see the math room!" She said, giving me directions.

"Well I have to see someone now, see ya later!" She said as she went away. I was going through my new locker until I felt a mild shove at my side. I trembled to the ground. "Oh sorry about that!" The person above me said. He sounded, er.. Lithuanian??? Yea, that's sounds about right.

                     Toris POV

"Oh sorry about that!" I apologized to the shorter boy that was on the floor. "Err... it's ok, n-nice to meet you I guess??" He said confused. "I'm Toris!" I introduced myself as I lend a helping hand. I brought him up the ground as he grabbed my hand. He dusted off his pants. "I'm Feliks!" He introduced as he lend a hand to shake hands with me.

"Again, I'm really sorry for that" I apologized one more time and shook his hands. "I was in a rush to go to my math class, oh and you're the new kid right?" I asked at the same time.

"Oh, like yes! I'm totally like the new kid, Also I'm in the same class as you!" He exclaimed. He put up a soft smile on his face.

I smiled back. "Wanna be like friends or something?" He asked. "Oh sure! that would be great!" I replied. Im guessing he's from Poland. I've never had a friend from Poland before so this should be new and interesting.

A/N [Phew, 565 words, that's alot. Sorry if there's alot of grammar mistakes. Next chapter it will be Toris's POV. Well hope you enjoy this, lol]

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