Butt Cheek On a Stick. 35

Start from the beginning

Val's P.O.V.

I stand awkwardly in the corner, Jake staring intently at me. I watch as Max comforts her mother who is speaking in a different language.

Either Spanish, French or Haitian. Those are the languages that Max told me she knew.

Wait, how do I remember that?

I thought we established this already?

Established what?

Don't play dumb.

Yeah, yeah. I know. But, I don't know how liking Max has anything to do with how I remembered that.

Oh Val. It has to do with everything.

Sure, sure.

I hate you.

Love ya too sweety.

Aren't you supposed to say that to Max.

Okay, now I hate you.

Wuv you too!

Why am I like this?

"We should run." Max whispers into my ear. I snap back to reality, and see the boys looking at us with mischievous smiles on they're faces. Oh no.

I look down to the bunnies then back at Max. "What about the bunnies?"

"Leave them here. They don't harm them." She whispers back, as she steps back. I place the cage down and me and Max sprint out the door to the backyard. She hides behind the white shed, and me and Mason hide behind a bush that's a few feet away from the shed. But the bush is further up, so you can't tell if someone was hiding behind the shed.

I start to tickle Mason, then Austin smirks down at us.

He grabs Mason and holds him up. "Gotcha. Now dear, tell me where Max is."

"She's behind the shed." Mason giggles, as Austin makes his way behind the shed with Mason in his arms.

"Boo!" He shouts, but nothing is to be heard. Confused, I stand up and walk over to where Austin is standing. But, when I come besides me, Max isn't there anymore.

"Okay, really where is she?" Austin asks, getting a bit agitated.

"I swear she was here!" Mason whines. Austin looks at me, and I nod in confirmation.

"She must have run off somewhere else." He puts Mason down, as he looks around the yard.

I stare at the space where Max had been, and I see something shining in the tall grass. I pick it up, and I twiddle the shiny ring in my fingers.

"Hey, what ya got there?" Jake asks. "A ring to ask my sister to marry you with?" He asks jokingly.

Wait- he's joking with me?

Last time I checked, he wanted to rip my eyes out with a rusty spoon. Well, I feel honored.

I try to hide the small tint of pink on my face, as I mutter a low "no".

"Then what is it?" He asks curiously.

I shrug. "Don't know, found it on the ground." I hand it to him, and he stares at it with wide eyes. It really is a pretty ring.

"No..." Jake mumbles, his shoulders shaking- in anger?

"What?" I ask, trying to get the ring back.

"That prick!" He howls, I think New Mexico could hear that.

"Okay, um. Ow." I mumble.

Jake glares at me as Austin jogs over. "What? Who's a prick?"

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