Chapter 13

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"Wake up, beautiful." i hear Harry say.

I groan.

He puts his thumbs on my cheeks his hands around my neck and kisses me.

I have the urge to resist but i don't.

He's my boyfriend and i have to get used to it whether i like it or not.

"That was nice," he says, pulling away," I missed you so much."

I smell bacon. I love bacon. Or do I.

I walk down the stairs, harry close behind, to get breakfast.

When i enter the kitchen i am greeted with an unfamiliar face.

"Hello." he says, leaning back casually on the counter.

"Hi," i say, then whisper to harry, "do i know him?"

Harry chuckles, deep but silly.

"This is William." harry says. William gives a wave. I smile.

He hands me a plate with two strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast with butter.

I sit down on the couch and play with my food.

Niall comes and sits next to me and i snuggle a bit closer to Harry who's on my other side. Harry puts his arm around my waste and kisses the top of my head.

"You gonna eat that?" Niall asks, his mouth full of food.

I shake my head and hand him my plate.

Louis turns the TV on and Doctor Who comes on.

I know what episode it is just as he turns it on.

"I love this episode," i begin," except for Billie piper could've done a bit better on the emotions."

Louis looks at me.

"Damn," he says," harry is one lucky man."

He grins and turns back to the TV.

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