Chapter 5: Nighttime

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Thanks for nothin lol. I literally had to find ppl to be the gf of the boys by myself.

Any whooo

So im a dumbass and COMPLETELY forgot about louis girlfriend. DUMBASS MOMENT. Lol inside joke. CCHHRRIISSTTYY!!!!

It'll be antionette.

Any who.

I am at my dads house for the weekend and he doesn't have interweb! ikr! cray!

And its been hard with school.

Im still fangirling on how rainah followed me. Idk. Shes AMAZAYN!!!!



To the story!

Taylor's POV:

"All the gals are at a concert so they wont be home until late tonight, so you'll meet them tomorrow. " the blonde one, niall said.

He has an irish accent so im assuming hes not from around here.

Well neither am I.

"Uhm. Well i think im up to seeing a movie. How about you, taylor?" harry asks looking down at me.

"Uhm. Sure." i say avoiding his gaze by focusing on my feet.

"I'm gonna go see what movies we have!" zayn says.

Harry grabs me on both sides of my head forcing me to look at him. But not in a mean way.

"You dont have to look at the floor all the time babe." He explains. "I want to show off you're beautiful face."

He pulls me into a hug. I can't help myself from hugging back.

" LETS WATCH HUNGAR GAMESSS!" zayn says running into the kitchen holding the cd case for the hunger games.

"Ive never heard of that" i say quietly realizing im still hugging harry.

Harry lets go and bends down to my height, knowing he's way taller than me.

He cups my face with his hands. He moves his face closer. Our foreheads touch and im bracing my self for a violent kiss.

But no.

"You've NEVER seen the hunger games?" Harry whispers, his warm breath brushing against my face as he spoke.

"N-no sir." I say, forgetting he told me not to call him sir.

"I mean ha-harry." i state quickly.

"Welll then my love shall we go?" harry says picking me up bridal style taking to what i assume is the living room.

"The gals never seen the hunger games?" niall playfully states, tickling my sides.

I can't help but to let out a quiet giggle.

"Ah lad she has the cutest giggle!" louis says walking into the room.

My cheeks heat up and i know I'm blushing. But why?

Zayn puts the movie in the CD player and sits back on the couch.

Harry wraps his arm around my shoulders. My body tenses at his touch. He pulled me closer to him. Maybe he isn't that bad after all.


"How was the movie, sweetheart?" harry asks me. the sound of his voice makes my muscles tense.

"G-good. It was good." I reply, trying my best not to sound nervous.

"Why don't we get some sleep" harry says, glancing around realizing the other boys were fast asleep.

He stands up and holds his hand out expecting me to grab it. But instead i help myself up and deny the whole 'hold my hand baby' thing.

We walk down the hall for what seems like forever until we come to a halt at a door.

He grasps the metal knob slowly.

The door opens with a loud creak.

Inside beholds a room the size of two master bedrooms put together.

There was a few pictures on the walls of what i assume are heavy metal bands.

In the middle of the room there was one king sized bed.

So i had just met the guy and he wants me to sleep with him.

My thoughts are interrupted by harry clearing his throat.

"So i have some clothes that might fit you that you can wear to bed until we get you a whole new wardrobe" he says, walking over to a big dresser.

He pulls out two pairs of sweats and two T-shirts.

He hands me a pair of black sweats and a teal V neck top.

He leads me to the bathroom and tells me to change in there.

Thank god i don't have to change in front of him.

I'm insecure I'm not gonna lie.

After i change i peek out the door to see Harry's back towards me.

He hasn't put his shirt on yet.

I watch quietly as his back goes up and down slightly with his every breathe.

I step out of the bathroom and lean against the wall and watch him put his shirt on.

"Take a picture it lasts longer" harry says, making me jump.

"Don't do that!" i whisper quietly.

"Taste of you're own medicine" he says, bringing me to the thought if when i caught him staring at me in the car.

"Lets get some sleep" harry says, walking towards the bed gesturing for me to do the same. "Im really tired. Goodnight love."

"Night." i whisper, getting into the bed.

I lay at the edge of the bed as far away from harry as i can.

I let out a yawn ( vote if you yawned :P ).

I feel my eyelids getting heavy and i drift off into a deep deep sleep.


So ummmm. Wassup. I feel amazayn. 170 reads literally when i left for my dads house i think i had 69 reads. Lol. It like tripled almost. Thanks guys.



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