Chapter 2

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"You know you should stop giving Mrs. Reynolds an attitude everyday."
"Whys that, Athena?" I say curiously.
"Well, she's old and fragile. Also she's nice."
I laugh. "Nice? That woman isn't nice. She's satan's mother."
"She's not that bad, Bella." She says as she gets a Cobb salad.
"Bull. She hated me the moment I walked into class. All because I was wearing a choker. It's a free country. I can wear whatever the hell I want." I say as we sit down.
"She also grades your stuff. And without her grade, perhaps a good grade, you won't pass the grade. Then you will be a sophomore again." She says as she picks at he salad.
"She sounds like an angel now. Oh! Why was I ever rude to her Ms. Goddess of the Wise?"
"I don't know." She's says while laughing at me. "Why do you even call me that?"
"Well, Athena is the Goddess of Wisdom and War." I say as I eat a big bite of hamburger. "Oh my god this is good! But Athena even though your a lame human being, you are very wise."
This she starts laughing about. "Wow Bella."
"What it's the truth?" I say as I take another bite. "Why aren't you eating?"
"I'm not hungry."
"You need to eat. You heard what your doctor said. Your losing to much weight." I say sternly.
"Yes Dr. Bella."
"When's your next appointment?" I asked. Ignoring her.
"Tomorrow after school."
"Ok good."
"I'll text you afterwards. It will probably be the same as last time."
"You never know."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's go before we are late."


We were clueless then. Knowing nothing. Those next few days were going to change a lot of things.
That doctors appointment she will have to take tests. Not knowing that she will be diagnosed with Leukemia.
So let's get to the day where she told me.


"So you have cancer?" I say.
"Yeah. Yeah I do."
"What are you going to do about it?"
"I don't really know."
"Are you scared?"
"How are you not scared, Athena? You can end up dying." I say angrily.
"I just..I don't know. I'm not afraid of dying."
"Well then the cancer will win."
"No it won't." She says as she looks at me for the first since telling me. "I won't be in pain anymore if I die. As soon as I die that pain is gone and no more worrying about yearly checkups. No more worrying about if I get cancer again. No more worrying about my hair falling off. No more worrying and no more pain. You get what I'm saying?"
"Yeah. I get it."
She holds my hands. "Don't worry about me, Bella."
"How can I not worry about you? Your my best friend who is sick with an incurable illness. This isn't the flu." I say crying.
"You can still die from it."
"Well you get shots for it. And it's not the 20's."
"Just don't worry. Yeah. I may die. But I want you to make me a promise."
"I want you to promise that no matter how sick I get. That you won't treat me like I'm going to die. No matter what. Act like I'm going to live ten more years. Promise me."
"I promise, Athena."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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