It's been a long time. (Life Update A/N)

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Um. Hello. It's time I tell y'all some shit.

So, it's about late February. I'm over at one of my best friend's house, let's call her Winter. Winter and I have known each other since the beginning of January. We were quick friends and had a bunch in common. We were walking around her neighborhood for about 5 hours straight. We were spilling our deepest, darkest secrets. Now, Winter is the kind of person who looks extremely stern and cold and does not like to show others her true self or her true feelings. In those 5 hours, she shared with me her life story, why she is the way she is, why she doesn't let others see her true self. But she shared that with me. And I shared everything with her.

Now, a bit more background on the time. My, at the time, girlfriend had been grounded for nearly a month and I was starting to think she was not allowed to talk to me for whatever reason. I was giving up.

The next morning, while I thought Winter was still asleep, I whispered, "Uh, I know you can't hear me, but...I love you." What I didn't know was that she was awake and heard everything.

I had been developing a crush on her for some time before this. Sadly, just 4 hours later, I got a text. A text from my now ex girlfriend. She was ungrounded.

For the next month, I tried so hard to ignore the feelings I had for Winter. I stayed with my girlfriend until March 17th, my school's dance. Winter and quite a few of our other friends were there. We were just laughing and talking until the principal announced that we could sign up for life-sized foosball. Winter grabbed my hand and started running over to the sign ups. It felt so right to have my hand in hers, I knew I couldn't keep going like this.

I took my two friends, let's call them Dee and Belle. I had told them a while ago about my dilemma and they both suspected that Winter liked me too. We talked for a while in the girl's bathroom, until we knew I couldn't hide anymore. We had her come into the bathroom.

I told Winter I liked her.

She liked me too.

That night, we (Winter, me, and one of our other friends) went back to her house for a sleepover. We cuddled together, our friend made us dance together, and that night, I had my first kiss. I knew I had to break up with my girlfriend at the time. Being with her, was like being in a long distance relationship. It was so difficult, we had only ever seen eachother in person once, when we first met. So, the next morning, I called her. I told her not to stop talking with me and that I'd always be here to talk to her.

A little over two months later, Winter and I are happily dating. If my ex ever happens to find this, I'm sorry. Text me. I miss talking to you.

On a happier note, I will be posting more often!!!!! This summer. Yes, guys it is the dreaded exam season!!! UGHHHH!!!

"Young and Menace" is amazing....SORRY!! Y'all know I'm a freaking sucker for freaking "Saturday" and "The (After) Life of the Party" and freaking everything off of Folie A Duex! But freaking "Young and Menace"!!!!!! I pre-ordered all of the Mania pins, the physical album, a shirt, and the tickets!!!! I'm really excited for this next album!

Oh yes! I have another really awesome thing to tell about! This is already getting too long, so I'll post another chapter after I post this!!!

HINT: All of my Black Butler fan childrens will die.

Okay now I have to make this just a bit longer so I can get 666 words. 653. 654. 655. 656. Thanks for 453 reads!

Stay alive.


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