8. The Outsiders

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The Coopers. The Stepfords of Riverdale. High school sweethearts who got and had two beautiful daughters; Polly and Betty. Until Jason Blossom happened. And now, we would hear from the person who was closest to him those days leading up to his disappearance. Polly Cooper. How a casual conversation turned into an epic forbidden romance. How, for reasons still murky their respective parents tried to tear them apart. How their break-up was short-lived because Polly soon learned she was pregnant with Jason's baby. How they became secretly engaged with his grandmother's blessing and her heirloom ring, and made plans to run away together. To start a new life. And how their dreams of escape went up in flames.

I was sitting in Archie's bedroom watching my boyfriend and my brother kill each other

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I was sitting in Archie's bedroom watching my boyfriend and my brother kill each other. On a game. "You gotta stop blowing me up dude." Jug said.

"You're going the wrong way." Those were a few of the comments. Then they both died and the level ended. "Oh come on." Arch said. 

"You're the one who keeps accidentally killing me." Jughead said, making me giggle. "War is hell, Jug."

"No Archie, hell is other people." We laughed. There was a knock and Dad came in. "Hey guys, it's getting pretty late and ooh-" Dad stopped. "Woah, it stinks in here somebody open a window." 

"I got it." Archie said and opened the window. "You settling in Jug?" Dad asked. "Oh completely. It's like Archie and I are just roommates in a college dorm." 

"Oh great what does that make me the RA? Or y/n?" Dad asked. "No you're the third roommate." Archie said, making Dad laugh. "And y/n is the pretty girl across the hall." Jug added, making me blush and Dad and Archie go "aw." 

"Alright guys, I got a big day tomorrow." Dad said. "Yeah, breaking ground on the SoDale project, right?"

"Yeah, indeed we are." Dad said, then looked at Jughead. "Sorry, I know it's a sore spot with you Jughead I know you loved the drive-in."

"As long as you build something beautiful in it's place." 

"I don't know about beautiful but..it's gonna be big." Dad answered. "Night guys. Night y/n." 

"Night Dad." Archie and I said together. 

"You know what? I'my gonna head to bed too, I'm really tired. I'll see you in the morning Arch." I said, hugging him. I went over to Jughead. I hugged him. We pulled away and then saw Archie looking at us. "It's okay guys. I'm happy for you. You can say goodnight properly to each other." My brother said smiling. I turned back to Jughead and kissed his cheek. But he pulled my arm back when I pulled away and brought me in for a kiss.

I smiled. "Goodnight guys." I smiled, turning to face them. Before I left, saw Jughead wink and my brother waved.



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The River's Edge (Riverdale FF) (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora