7: The Outsider

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Sam's POV:

  "Why?" CC repeated, his eyes full of sorrow.

  "CC... I.. please don't tell the others." I said, begging him.

  "Sam just please explain. Why would you do this to yourself?" He asked, ignoring my previous beg.

  "Because I can't take it anymore! All the dirty looks, the judging stares! I'm done with all the comments, I may act like they don't hurt but trust me, they do. I sang take everyone against me. I try, I try everyday but I just can't." I yelled.

  "But Sam, you don't need to do this. Your better than them, all of them. Your beautiful, your sweet, your perfect. Don't do this to yourself. Please." He whispered grabbing my hand.

  He looked at me, hope in his eyes as he held my hand. I froze as he just looked at me, waiting for me to respond.

  "I, I'll try." I whispered. He nodded and pulled me in for a hug.

  "I won't tell them unless I need to, but just please try to stop. Now, let's go join them." CC replied, pulling me back into the lounge area.

For the rest of the night we watched movies until it was only CC, Andy, and I left because the others went to bed. I felt my eyes growing heavy and started to fall asleep during one of the movies. The last thing I remember is one of the boys carrying me to a bunk in the back before I drifted fully asleep.

~~~ 10 HOURS LATER~~~

I woke up in one of the bunks some time later, checking my phone I saw that it was noon. I jumped out of bed, surprised I slept that late and ran into the lounge expecting to see the guys up but only Jake was there.

"Morning Sam, the others are still asleep, there's coffee on the stove." He said, reading something in his phone. I nodded my thanks and got myself a cup of coffee before sitting across from him at the table, pulling out my phone. I had over 30 missed calls from my parents which worried me but I ignored them and decided to text Jayden. Realizing I never explained the situation to him, I texted him letting him know what was going on and that I would meet him at the concert early and bring him back stage with me. I could tell he didn't believe me but decided it was better not to argue with me so he just went along with it.

Well, he's in for a surprise.

About ten minutes later Ashley came into the room and went straight for the coffee. I laughed and once he got his coffee he sat down with me.

"So, ready for the show tonight?" He asked. Crap, I forgot it was tomorrow not tonight, no wonder Jayden really didn't believe me.

"Yes. But I forgot it was tonight." I replied honestly, making Ashley and Jake laugh.

This will definitely be a day to remember.


Thanks for reading! I know it's been a while and this is short and not very good and I'm sorry. I've been busy and going through some family stuff lately so please just stick with me. I'm also running out of ideas so if you have any please let me know! Also, pleas check out my other, completed,p fanfic, warped. It's about warped tour and has bvb, sws, ptv, mcr, and some other bands in it.


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