Chapter 4

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"Can we go back inside now?", I asked. I could still feel James' warm arms around me, and it was surprisingly comforting, but at the same time freaking the shit out of me. "Already?", James replied, "I thought you wanted to go out?" This was so confusing, I had no idea what was going on. "Why would I want to go out ‪at two A.M.‬ in the morning!?", I asked, kind of yelling. "You told me so", he answered. His arms loosened the grip a bit. I told him so? Like, when? I don't recall being drunk lately, so when could I have possibly told him that I wanted to go outside at night? "When?", I simply asked. I could feel James' warm breath against my neck. "Earlier today", he told me, "Don't you remember?" It was all coming back to me now, but it didn't make any sense. The only thing besides the normal stuff that happened today was James talking to me about his crush. Wait... didn't he ask me what to do when you had a crush on someone? Yeah, I think he did... And I said: "Ask 'em out"... Oh, shit, what have I done?

The next morning, I luckily woke up in my bed. I remember going back inside, but God knows what James could have done while I was sleeping. This whole thing was freaking me out. I had so much to think about. Kirk's story about Ron McGovney was one of them... What if this was all part of James' big plan or something? Maybe the story was true, and James tried tricking me into some kind of trap? Or maybe not... But when we were outside, he wasn't acting like his usual self. He was... nice to me... It didn't match at all, because when Lars and Kirk were around, he would push me around and make me his personal servant. But this time... it was different; he was like a totally different person. I wonder what was going on... And all that stuff he told me? What was that all about? According to him, I had told him that I wanted to go out, but all I told him was that he should ask his crush out – oh... I was... James' crush? How could that be? Every time I saw him he would act like a homophobic jerk around Lars and Kirk, and having a crush on me isn't exactly what a straight guy would do. Somehow I had to ask him if it was all true, but if I was wrong, he would practically kill me with his bare hands.

After breakfast, I went to talk to Kirk about my situation. I knocked on his bedroom door, and heard some sounds coming from inside. After about half a minute, Lars opened up. "Oh, hi", he said with his Danish accent, "What's up?" I scratched the back of my head, trying to ignore his messy hair, and the half-naked Kirk on the bed behind him. "Oh, uhm...", I stuttered, being really bad at acting like nothing, "You know, if it's a bad time, I could just come back later-" "No, it's fine", Lars interrupted, letting me into the bedroom. "What's the matter?", Kirk asked me, putting his shirt back on, "I can see that something's up". I hesitated a little before deciding that it was probably best to just tell them everything altogether. "Uh... It's about James...", I said. The two of them looked worryingly at eachother. "He hasn't hit you, right?", Lars asked, sounding slightly concerned. "No", I said, shaking my head, "But he brought me outside ‪at two A.M.‬ last night". The looks on their faces turned from concerned to confused in a matter of milliseconds. "What!?", Kirk exclaimed, "Why!?" I shrugged, being just as clueless as him about this whole situation. "When I asked him why, he just told me that we were out, which I already knew, but it might have something to do with the conversation we had before that...", I explained to them. Kirk leaned forward on the bed, and Lars took some steps closer. "Tell us everything", he whispered.

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