Chapter 6

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Elise woke up first, dazed a bit at where she was and then she remembered, she remembered whos house it was, whos bed she was in and most importantly who it was that was sleeping right next to her curled up with her arm draped over the younger womans body protectivly, elise chuckled quietly as she tried to remove natashas arm from her personage, she couldn't, every time she tried to move natasha gripped tighter, subconsciously not letting the smaller woman go.

She would of stayed where she was but one thing was getting in the way, she needed the toilet, finaly after a while she mannaged to release her self from natashas death grip and she headed to the bathroom. When she was finnished the decided, that since she was up she would cook them breakfast, it was 9:20am, so she had plently time before she needed to get to work. She got to work on making some pancakes, knowing how much the older woman enjoyed them.

Natasha woke up with a start, had she been dreaming or had it been real, she looked around there was no one else in the room with her, it was defiantly a dream, sat up and put her head in her hands, she had to stop dreaming about elise, "she doesnt like you that way, youse are friends and if you dont sort this infatuation out it will ruin not only your friendship but also both of your careers" natasha said to her self, the tears spilling on to the duvet, her sobs became louder as she tried to reign in control of her breathing which she was managing poorly. Elise had just put the last pancake onto a plate when she heard the crying, she rushed into her girlfriends room, "Baby whats wrong, what happened?" Elise asked swinging the door open wide and throwing her self in the bed wrapping her arms around the older woman.

"Y... y... you weren't here, i didnt know if yestarday was a dream or not, i got scared, i remembered a time when all i would do is dream of your face, desperately wanting to get over you, but i never could..." natasha whispers after a long while after coming to terms that, yes yesterday did happen, and yes elise was still in fact here.

"Ohh baby im here, ill always be here, im here, im here, im here" elise kept repeating, whilst stroking the older womans long dark hair. This lasted for about five minuets, when finaly natasha had stopped crying and her breathing had normalised, "thank you elise, thank you for being here, you promise you will never leave me?" Natasha asked as she turned to brush a stray strand of hair out of elises eye line, "i promise never to leave you, i love you, so much, it would destroy me to leave you" elise says as she lightly kissed her girlfriends forehead. "I love you too elise" natasha whispers, kissing her, after a moment elise pulls back, " come on you, lets get some breakfast, i made pancakes whilst you were sleeping, ill have to heat them up though" they both laughed lightly and made their way to the kitchen.

When they had finished their breakfast and had washed up the dishes they sat down at the breakfast bar drinking their second cup of coffee sorting out the day ahead,"would you like me to drop you off at your place before you go to work so you can get changed, cause i need to go to the shops for some groceries and your place is on the way there?" Natasha asked sipping at her americano coffee that was made from a machine, "yeah that would be brilliant thank you babe, is the date still on?" Elise answered with another question excited to know the answer," of course it is i have to prepare some things though i want it to be special for you, to show you how much you mean to me" natasha replies smiling up at the younger, shorter woman," ohh what are you planning?" Elise asks even more intrigued now,"na-a-ah im not telling you anything, you know i have to keep my air of mystery" natasha laughs quoting the little web series that brought the couple together in the first place,"just remember to pack something really nice to change into after work, when do you get off from work so i know when to pick you up?"
"My shift ends at 7pm and there is a changing room at the back of the kitchen in the restaurant that the cooks use to change into and out of their work clothes so i could use that" elise says finishing off her coffee, a mocha with extra chocolate powder (you would of thought she was a real life laura the amount of chocolate she consumed yet never gained any weight), "that sounds like a plan, and no matter how badly i want you to stay here all day and cuddle with me, we both have important things to do so grab your stuff im away to get charlie in the car" natasha said as she put down her now empty cup and got up from the breakfast bar to head to the hallway where charlie was lying in his bed chewing on his favourite bone.

Natasha had given elise some of her clothes to wear which fitted her perfectly because they were practicaly the same size and as she went to collect her own clothed to put them in a bag she stopped to smell the jumper that was natashas, mmm it smells like her, it smells like home she thought to her self. Once the two humans and the one dog where all in the car and driving to elises house natasha grabbed the younger womans hand and had started thumbing little delicate circles over her hand with her thumb, elise cause natashas eye for a second and smiled warmly at the older woman who had redirected her attention back on the the road ahead. When they got to elises apartment natasha got out and walked round the car to open the door for her girlfriend, "m'lady" natasha spoke with a mock British accent, smiling as she held the smaller womans hand to help her out of the vehicle, "why thank you m'lady" elise replied with the same accent as the both giggled their way to the front door. "So i shall pick you up from work at ten past seven tonight, remember to take something else pretty to where, but honestly if you wore a coal bag you would still look stunning" natasha says leaning down to Kiss elises hand, "of course, i will see you then" elise replies as she pulls natashas chin up to kiss her, a slow heart warming loving kiss, when the finally pulled away they said good bye to each other separating their ways.

Elise busied her self by getting in the shower because there would be no time after work, after she got changed into her work clothes she put natashas clothes in the wash, except for her jumper, she put the jumper over her work top and inhaled deeply, she couldnt wait till 7 so she could se her girlfriend again. After she was finnished she grabed her house keys, locked the door and made her way to work.

I think i will only be posting once a week im just really busy with work and stuff.

Authors note: hello again people just a note to say i hope you enjoy this chapter :) please share it with friends and on tumblr and stuff i dont know how tumblr works im thinking of getting an account, im rambling i hope everyone has a wonderful day/night what ever xxbxx

PS: to any of those haters out there you know who you are, do not judge what other people write.... its gonna get a whole lot more GAY!!! and if you dont like it.... i dont care other people do!!!!

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