"And for all you goddamn know, it could be Baekhyun who's responsible for his lack of interest in the damn sport." Kyungsoo tightened his jaw. "He has a practice schedule like a fucking animal, and you think you can blame me for every single one of his faults? That's--"

"He talks to me, Kyungsoo," Jongin responded, cutting the boy off. "He told me everything."

"He told you everything?" There was a bubble of laughter the president couldn't hold down. "That's fucking rich. Did he tell you the part where he thought Baekhyun was--"

Jongin moved forward. His eyes focused on keeping contact with Kyungsoo's own. "He did. Everything you know, he already told me."

"And I bet he spun you a pretty picture about how he's deeply and madly in love with my ex-boyfriend."

"He is in love with Baek--"

"Bullshit!" Kyungsoo shouted. He spun around and kicked the soccer ball toward Jongin's goal box. It hit the net right on center. "Even if he does love him now, he is a fucking fraud, Jongin."

The distance between them was losing its existence. "Chanyeol wasn't himself then."

Kyungsoo mocked him by laughing. "Then what was he? Mentally ill in the goddamn mind?" His throat burned, but he kept his chin up high. "He thought my friend was easy... Does he even know how fragile Baekhyun is?"

Jongin didn't respond.

"I would know how he is, Jongin. I was the one who broke him," Kyungsoo spat, voice straining. "That introverted personality is there for a reason. He has walls and boundaries because he has to."

"Chanyeol won't hurt him."

"Oh, he already did." Taking a step back, Kyungsoo feared being touched. "He made the decision to hurt him the moment he fucking introduced himself. It's only a matter of time now."

Reaching out, Jongin grabbed Kyungsoo by the arm, preventing the latter from escaping him. "Baekhyun might understand. He's not the type to just throw someone away because of their mistakes."

Kyungsoo made no decision to forcibly remove the hand. He allowed for the boy to touch him despite how disgusted and sick he felt deep inside. "You don't know him like I do," he said bitterly. "I keep telling you and I keep telling everyone. No one knows Baekhyun better than me..."


"You're right. Unfortunately, he's not the type to leave someone for their mistakes. I know this from experience..." Kyungsoo paused. "But you don't know that he's also the type to suffer alone. He caves inward like a collapsing star. And you want to know what else? Over time, he'll start thinking that everything's his fault. If Park Chanyeol thinks that Baekhyun's going to roll over and forgive him like it's nothing but yesterday's news, he's dreaming."

"Don't you believe in chances?" Jongin asked, scowling. His hold on Kyungsoo grew stronger. "Second chances exist for a reason."

"They don't exist for everyone."

"What he did was...bad," Jongin started, pulling Kyungsoo closer to him when the latter began to struggle. "I admit that, but that doesn't mean he's not genuine now--"

"Are you blind? Can't you see that it's completely pointless at this point?" Kyungsoo asked softly, cocking his head up at the captain who towered him. "It doesn't matter... He'll say what he did and they'll fight... Baekhyun will say it's alright and Park will continue living in some fairy tale happily-ever-after fantasy, because that's not going to be the case. He's going to die on the inside... Baekhyun's going to appear alive, but he'll be wilting. Chanyeol will set his insecurities on fire until there's nothing left of him but ashes."

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