Chapter 11 - The La Palm

Start from the beginning

So anyway, it would be two days in Palermo, then another two in Alia, and then, they would bug out on their own. It was a short time but they also had to fit a stop in to New York on the way back. They were going to visit Donny's Uncle Marty and catch up with his family which included his favorite cousin, Tony, who would set the itinerary there.

Epicurean Delights

The Grande Hotel Et Des Palmes was the epitome of all the old world charm they had seen on their way in from Falco airport. The Via Roma was literally a showcase of Palm trees, fluted Corinthian columns, stone facades, and gorgeous art deco canopies. And they could see that the La Palm was no different with its beautifully lighted stonework and stained glass canopy.

Louiggi pulled up in front and quickly hopped out to get the bags from the trunk; immediately getting into an argument with the doorman. Don stretched his head out the window to see what was going on, but he could only pick up pieces of the exchange. It had something to do with gratuities. When the two of them realized they had left their charges standing there unattended they quickly cut the chatter, both smiling sheepishly, and they started hauling out the luggage together, and promptly got into a tug of war over one of the bags. Don got out of the cab and went around to the trunk and separated the two. Clearly, there was no love-loss between them, and being saddle sore and wanting to get Lesliea inside and settled into their suite, Donny took Louiggi aside and asked what it would take to settle up. He requested 22 Euros, and Donny gratefully slipped him 40 Euros and the driver was overwhelmed by the generosity. He started excitedly shaking his hand while blathering, "You need a go anywhere, you call the number on the card, okay?" and Don smiled, and assured him, "You got it Louiggi! We'll give you a ring tomorrow," "Thank you Signor," then he clumsily shook Les's hand, "arrivederci Signora!" Les embarrassedly assured him again, "We'll see you tomorrow." "Okay, bravo! Goodbye my friends." And with a rude hand gesture to the doorman, he was in his cab and on his way to another fare. After a perplexed moment, they spun on their heels to face the porter who had collected their bags, to take them into the hotel foyer. "Don whispered in his wife's ear, "Geese, I wonder what would have happened if I had given him 50 euros..."

They were shocked by the temperature differential. The lobby of the Grande Hotel Et Des Palmes was a cool 70 degrees... quite a contrast to the 90 degrees outside. The marble columns, gorgeous vaulted ceiling, and travertine tile were equally stunning. The images they had viewed on the web could not have prepared them for the shear opulence which easily surpassed the Plaza Hotel in New York. In shear taste, the La Palm pulled way out ahead of even the Mark Hopkins or Sheraton in San Francisco. Lesliea took in a deep breath and exclaimed, "Oh honey, this makes The Top of the Mark look like a tree fort!" Donny was staring up at the vaulted ceiling, and in a mystified voice replied, "No kidding, this is way beyond my expectations, I'll tell you that much."

The clerk at the counter greeted them warmly in English, and apparently had been waiting for them too. She was strikingly beautiful; dark eyed, raven black hair pulled up in a bun. She had a little mole on her right cheek - obviously Italian and Don was instantly enamored like a little school boy. His eyes took in her dark blue suit with the charming hotel coat of arms, and then the cute Sicilian accent, "Welcome to the La Palm Mr. and Mrs. Cuillo. Your room is ready for you, and if you will just let me have your credit card we'll have you on your way shortly." Smiling, Donny plucked his Amex card from his wallet and gave it to her, commenting "You speak English very well. Have you ever been to America?" Looking up with a delighted surprise, she replied, "Oh, yes sir. I lived in Manhattan for a couple of years while attending NYU." Donny feigned surprise... "You went to NYU? My cousin went there too! She graduated from the school of Journalism. What was your major?" "I didn't get my degree there but I study business. I finish my MBA at Boduin, in Massachusetts." Donny froze and locked eyes with her... "Boduin? You went to Boduin? My Father went to Boduin!" She gleefully replied "Really, sir? Well, that just show we have the small world, no?" And she giggled.

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