STAND BY ME - chapter 29

Começar do início

"Well, I promise you, we'll find you a home." I said, eyeing Daichi, waiting for some kind of reaction.

"I like you." Daichi grabbed Itachi's finger. Itachi's eyes widened pleasantly. I couldn't help but giggle. Itachi was naturally good with children.

"We like you too." Itachi ruffled his hair.

I looked up ahead to see Shisui and Kayumi, Shisui's hand up in the air waving at us.

"Well, if it isn't the two ninja who will undoubtedly make the greatest shinobi in the world." Shisui winked. My eyebrow twitched.

"Still suggestive as ever, I see." Itachi huffed in slight annoyance.

"Heheh, who's the little kiddo?" Shisui kneeled down, warmly smiling at the child.

"His name is Daichi, we found him alone at the market. We're taking him to Hokage-sama." I explained, almost sadly. As strange as this situation was, for some odd reason, I took a liking to this child.

Shisui stood upright, nodding. "Ah. I see. Well, good luck. I've gotta get back to Kayumi." He waved goodbye.

Itachi and I continued to walk towards the Hokage's office. Daichi's hand in mine, while his other tiny hand was holding onto Itachi's finger. Daichi looked so adorable, so innocent, so oblivious to the world's darkness. How could I let this child go? I thought. For some reason, I felt inclined to protect him, too.

"Who's this?" Kakashi, who was now the new Hokage in order, eyed the mysterious child.

I gulped. Should we be discussing this infront of a child? I eyed Itachi, and picked up Daichi into my arms. Daichi immediately wrapped his arms around my neck, drooling asleep on my chest. The poor child.

"Itachi, you discuss this with Kakashi-sama. I'll be waiting outside." I said.

Itachi hummed in agreement, and I walked outside the office, and at the same time, intent on hearing the conversation taking place.

"Aya found the lost child while we were at the market. She found that his wrist was badly hurt, so she healed him." I heard Itachi's voice echo through the door.

"Hmm... I see. Any parents?"

"The child, who goes by the name Daichi, says he has none."


"Kabuto owns an orphanage, doesn't he?"

"That's exactly what I was thinking, Itachi. I will probably have to send him off to Kabuto."

I couldn't register anything else but that.

"So, what did the Hokage tell you?" I asked curiously, holding the sleeping Daichi snugly in my arms.

"I'll tell you inside." Itachi said, fumbling with his pockets, and taking out the key to our house.

"Man, he's knocked out." I stepped inside, slipping off my shoes. Itachi did the same and walked towards the kitchen.

"He looks tired. Give me him, I'll let him rest in our room." Itachi said, now gently carrying Daichi. Itachi was so swift with his movements, it was almost too hard not to notice. He would make a good father, I noted. I guess part of it was due to the fact that he spent a lot of his childhood looking after Sasuke.

I boiled some water to make tea with, as well as placing the grocery bags inside the kitchen.

"The Hokage said it will take about a week to prepare his documents for his transfer to Kabuto's orphanage." Itachi explained, as he stepped inside the kitchen.

"So, we take care of him in the meantime?" I asked him.

"Yes. For now."

"I see."

"Daichi reminds me of a topic we that we have yet to discuss." Itachi firmly stated.

I stopped my movements, eyeing Itachi. What was Itachi talking about?

"What is it?"


"Oh." I now knew where this conversation was going.

"I love you Itachi, and I think I do want children. I don't mind seeing mini versions of you running around the house." I laughed at the thought, smiling. Itachi began to clearly smile, too.

"They'll be mini versions of you, too. Family is important to me. I wouldn't mind having children." Itachi stated.

"Maybe this week with Daichi could be a trial for us." I said.

"Exactly what I was thinking." Itachi said, grabbing his now ready cup of tea, and sipped on it.

In truth, I really did want to have children with Itachi. How many? I wasn't so sure. I guess that's up to fate.

Stand By MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora