Bubble day [6]

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{Charlottes up there ^^}

I quickly changed into a not revealing summer dress. Putting my blonde hair in a high ponytail.

I heard the car stop.

"Charlie someone's here!" My 4 year old brother said.

He ran to a stop in front of me. We both looked out of the window to see.

He was here.

Cute boy, Max.

"He's a friend," sadly. "Let's go and introduce you to him Asher."

"He must be special, because nobody has been here since mommy and daddy left."

"Yeah, I guess he is," I weakly smiled at my brother as he opened the door.

My heart stopped, so did my lungs, as I saw Max.

Cute boy turned into hot real quick.

I smiled as I saw he too was speechless.

All my nerves went away as I saw a new beginning with this boy, no, a man.


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