Welcome, Dark! (TW)

Start from the beginning

"I just want my best friend back" Anti said sadly, you almost felt sorry for him. Almost. This explanation didn't suffice, you still had no idea what he was talking about even though you'd listened to him bellowing it at Mark for the past, God knows, how many hours. "No, Mark needs to suffer" Anti growled, "Forcing him to watch what I'm going to do to you will pain him more than any torture method" that sadistic grin started to creep up onto his face again. 

You gulped back some of the fear that was taunting you to scream or protest, you knew it was too late. Anti grabbed your sore wrists and held them firmly. "What are you going to do to me?" you managed to force out of your throat, Anti half smiled at you as he dragged you onto your feet so you were standing in front of him. He pulled you into him so your body was against his and said "Oh Kitten, no one in the history of torture's been tortured with torture like the torture you'll be tortured with.

Before you could answer you felt the entire room start to go fuzzy and your head began to spin. Your vision went hazy and you felt as though you had collapsed. 

When you came round, you were back in that familiar chair that you'd grown to hate. The feeling of it against your body made you feel nauseous, you supposed that's what happens when you associate an object with one of your best friend's hurting you. "Y/N?" you heard being whispered, "Y/N" you heard again. You focused on staying conscious, you closed your eyes tightly and opened them again to get rid of the blur that was stopping you from seeing your surroundings.

Once the room had stopped spinning, you heard your name again, you were able to look in the direction that it was coming from and saw Mark. He was tied up in the corner of the room and it was almost like you had literally switched positions. "It's okay, I can take it, tell him you change your mind" he urged you, but by the look of him you knew he wouldn't last another half an hour in Anti's hand's let alone how long he planned on keeping you in this God forsaken chair. The first thing you noticed was that his eyebrow was split, it was almost identical to the cut raging its way through his blue lips. They say you can't die from waterboarding but Mark looked as though he was getting close.

"I know his plan" you lied to him "Just focus on getting better and regaining your strength, there's no point you taking the fall for me if it's going to end up with you dead" you weakly smiled at him. He scanned your face with his chocolate orbs for any sign of rationality, he thought you were mad to willingly allow yourself to be tortured when he was offering to take it for you. When you saw this look on his face, it made you realise just how unaware he was of your feelings towards him.

"Y/N, don't be-" he started but you cut him off "Don't, just don't. It will kill me more if you die." you admitted, you took a deep breath and closed your eyes "Just thinking of a life without you in it pains me more than anything this arsehole could do to me, it makes my heart bleed more profusely than any wound he could inflict on me" you continued. Mark just looked at you dumbfounded, he still didn't get it. "Just let me do this" you finished your little rant, there was a part of you that was screaming to admit your feelings to him.

This may be the last chance I get, come on, tell him. I think I love you, Mark. Just say it!

"Isn't that sweet?" you heard a monotone voice coo at you, the voice that sent dread coursing through your entire being. The sound of a door locking was the next thing you heard before Mark protesting "Don't hurt her please", you heard Anti sigh behind you.

"You're both so willing to jump at me for each other, how am I supposed to decide to have fun with?" Anti joked playfully, neither you or Mark found it funny. "Today, I chose Y/N" he said putting his hands on your shoulders, it made you instantly tense up at his touch, you knew he was directing all this to Mark; you knew that his intention was to get to Mark through you. You felt his head lean on your shoulder, his cheek was about an inch away from your cheek "I can have more fun with her anyway" he said with a perverted tone to his voice, you closed your eyes in hope that it would make everything go away, Anti turned his head slightly and kissed you on the cheek. This made you open your eyes in shock, you knew that you said anything but you didn't expect to be sexually assaulted.

"If you dare-" Mark started, you could tell he was getting defensive of you "If I what?" Anti snapped at him "What exactly are you going to do?" he continued. Mark looked at him with pure anger, he was trying to think of something to say but he had to admit that Anti was right. "I don't think you quite understand the situation here" Anti teased, standing up again so your head was in contact with his stomach.

He moved his hands from your shoulders and placed one of them lightly on your throat, he continued to move his hand so that your jaw was in between his index finger and his thumb, he put more pressure onto your skin to make you tilt your head backwards. You knew that he wanted you to look at him but you'd refuse to give him the satisfaction so you kept your eye line on the ceiling which was directly in front of you. One of Anti's hand's disappeared while the other stayed on your throat and you heard the jingling of a belt buckle. 

"Sean, please don't" Mark pleaded, you felt his grip on your neck get tighter as soon as you heard Mark call him Sean. "He's gone forever, don't you forget that" Anti snarled at Mark, you faintly heard his belt slide out of its loops "I can't watch this" you heard Mark mumble to himself, "Oh, you will watch" Anti commanded at Mark, "Or I'll slit her throat and force you to watch every single drop of blood drain from her lifeless body".

Anti was insane, this much you already knew, but this was a whole new level of crazy that you didn't think was even possible. He let go of your jaw and allowed your head to flop back into it's natural position, for a moment your eyes locked with Mark's and you could tell he was trying to beg you to let him take your place. You were reminded that Anti could read both your's and Mark's thoughts when he said "If you want me to stop just say so, I wont hurt you or Mark" Anti directed to you, he sounded sincere so you opened your mouth to agree with him. As soon as your mouth was open you saw a flash of brown and then the taste of leather, Anti had wrapped his belt around your head and pushed it into your mouth, you heard him lock the buckle so you had no way of taking the fabric out of your mouth.

"What's that I hear?" Anti asked, putting his hand to his ear in a pantomime style "Nothing?" he asked rhetorically, you pushed your tongue against his belt to try and remove it from your mouth so you could protest but it was buckled too tightly. "I guess that means you don't want me to stop" Anti grinned at you.

You arsehole, I swear if you touch me I'll strangle you in your sleep.

"Promises, promises" Anti chimed at your mental threat, he took out his knife and began to cut along the, already ripped, fabric of your top. He ran the knife in a vertical line downwards until your top was in two pieces, making sure to keep the knife just a little bit to close to your skin the entire time, so there was now a faint red line of blood trickling down your body.

"Stop it" you heard Mark growl in a voice that was even deeper than his own, both you and Anti looked into his direction. He was looking down at the ground and breathing heavily, he let out a loud yell and threw his head upwards violently, for a moment his beautiful brown eyes flickered into a ink black and his mouth twinged slightly. He roughly shook his head and his eyes returned to there normal colour, he sat there breathlessly as though he'd just been in a fight. 

"What have you done to me?" Mark shouted at Anti.

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