Could you open this pt3

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A/N: I decided that I'm going to keep this story going for a while longer. Hope you enjoy 😊.

Joker pov
As I sat in my cell waiting for the moment to bust out my mind travelled back to my new doll. I mean she was no Harley but I think that's why I was thinking of her now. Maybe I needed a little variety in my life, someone different that could keep me on my toes. I sat up and scratched my head, "Ah when did I care how they were different they were nothing to me, that girl could die today and I would probably laugh." Are you sure about that; when Harley left you nearly destroyed Gotham? "Aye what gives I've never heard you before I know all of the voices in my head, I even named them." Of course you wouldn't know me, I'm your conscience it's been awhile since we last talked. "Hahahaha you're killing me, my conscience Hahahahaha even I know that's a load of crap!" You can deny it all you want, but even a demented person like you has and deserves a conscience. "Yea yea yea just keep it down I'm trying to sleep, if you didn't know I'm going to have a very busy night."

Y/N pov
" I gave him the key the only thing we have to do now is prepare to attack" I said as I hoped in the van. "I'm surprised you were able to do that not just anybody can walk in and out of Arkham Asylum" Frost said as he started the van up and began to drive back to Jay's place. " Really it doesn't seem that hard all I had to do was put on a wig and poof I'm a totally different person." Frost made a face before saying, "That's only cause you're a female, they were probably distracted by your legs and ass to notice anything else, let alone the two guards you snuck in." "You know Frost I have a sinking feeling that you don't trust me" I say as I finally pull off the wig. " I don't get paid to trust you, my job is to take care of my boss only" Frost said as he turned off the van and got out. " Am I sensing a little unrequited love from you Frosty, what is a certain clown not noticing your lingering glances?" I laugh not being able to hold it in anymore, just imagining Frost trying to tell Mr. J how he feels is the funniest thing ever. "Hahaha I'm sorry Frosty I know you don't go that way, it's just so funny thinking about it" I say as I am not bent over with laughter, I wipe my tears away as I look over to Frost to notice the glare he has on his face. "I'm sorry really I am, but let's go get ready it's almost time to break Jay out."

Joker pov
I was starting to doubt that I was going to get out tonight, as I went to lay back down I heard an explosion by my cell. "Well would you look at that my little doll actually pulled it off, now it time to get out." I unlocked my cell and began to walk towards the exit of the room, they should have known better than giving me a plain ole bar cell. I ran down the hall to see if I could spot any of my men when I ran into two guards. "Hands up stay where you are Clown or we'll blow your head off" one guard says as he aims his gun at me. "Whoa boys what's with all the hostility I just decided to go for a little walk to stretch my legs" I say as I left my arms up. Where are they, I swear if I die I'll kill them all.
Before either guard could say anything else gunshots were heard, the next moment they were on the ground dead. "Wow you're a pretty good shot Panda you too Frost." I look up to see Y/n standing between Panda and Frost, I notice that she took off the wig and her hair is back to (h/c). I would never say this out loud but it matches her, I hope she doesn't change it anytime soon. As I'm looking at her more I notice something else. "Is that my jacket!" I say as I walk up to her to notice that she did indeed have on my custom purple alligator jacket. "It might be, I mean I did find it in what I think was your room" she says as she backs away a little bit. "There is no might that is my jacket hand it over before I make you" I say as I hold my hand out waiting on her to give it back. "No you're just mad because I wear it better than you, I should've known you would be jealous" Y/n says as she wraps the jacket around her more. "Boss we don't have time we have to clear out before the bat shows up" Frost says as Panda nods his head beside him. "I'm not moving till I get my jacket back from this thief." "Oh that's real rich coming from you are you forgetting you stole me from my apartment , and I'm not moving until you can admit that you're jealous" Y/n says as she stomps her foot and crosses her arms. I have to admit she looked really cute with a pout, but that doesn't cover the fact that she told me no. I grab her arm as I pull her close and lean down to her ear,"If you continue to act like a disobedient child I'm going to spank you like one." Her face goes from pouty to embarrassed as she tries to stutter out a reply. "What did I just say, how about you be a good girl and do what daddy says." I say as I let her go to take off the jacket. "Fine I was getting hot in it anyway so don't go to thinking you won anything" she says as she shimmies out of the jacket and throws it to me. I catch it and began to walk and put it on, "Good job princess I thought I was going to have to punish you, now let's go I still have a restaurant to take you to."

A/n: Well that's all for now I'll write another chapter tomorrow. ~Juju out 😁✌🏾

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