"Fun" days and goode

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Percy's pov

Today was the day! Annabeth was coming to my school, Goode high! I waited for her on the front steps, standing on the tall cement railing. A few people tried to push me off but I stepped aside or jumped out of the way. Then a head of blonde curls appeared in the crowd I strained to see her more clearly and caught a glimpse of grey eyes and a dark green sweatshirt that is ( was, she stole it) mine. I guess she saw me because she pushed through the railing and jumped up and ran to me. I caught her in my arms as she jumped and spun her around.

"Hey seaweed brain. Miss me?" Annabeth asked me. It felt so amazing to hear her voice.

"More then is like to admit. It's been 4 months! how have you been!?" I asked her excitedly. She smiled.

"Good. Ive missed you way to much." She answered.

"Okay. Let's got get your schedule." I said grabbing her hand and leading her to the front office. Mrs. Burt's was sitting at the desk with a newspaper in her hands and a coffee mug next to her.

"Excuse me, ma'am? I need my schedule. I'm new." Annabeth said kindly. Mrs. Burt pulled out a pink Peice of paper and handed it to her.

"I don't know why it's in Greek dear. If you need someone to read it for you, Percy is at the top of the class." She said to Annabeth. Annabeth looked over at me surprised. I gave her a flirtatious smirk then stuck out my tongue at her. She rolled her eyes.

"It's not a problem. I can read Greek too." Annabeth said reading her schedule. She said her order for the classes were



Algebra ( blehh)



ELA ( English language arts. again bleh)



Then Off team, she did swim with me because there was no art program at Goode.

I had the same things. I went to her locker which was a few away from mine. Hers was 303 and mine was 306, then we walked I science class which was taught by Mr. Allen. He talked about newtons laws of force and stuff like that. Then he handed out a pre test to see what we already. I along with most of the class groaned. Annabeth didn't do anything. She looked excited.

"And that's my wise girl." I muttered under my breath. She slapped my arm and then was handed a test. She started filling in answered so fast I wasn't sure if she was actually reading the questions or if she was just guessing. I read each question at least 6 times before I could actually understand what it said. I just guessed on the answers. I had no idea. My mind worked like this in a test.

Oh, you don't know this? well let's pick C because you haven't used C in a while. Then put a A next. Nope. That's not right, you have 4 A's in a row.

See the confusion? try living with that. I finished and flipped it over on my desk. Annabeth was checking her answers for the 5 time, then finally flipped her paper over on her desk.

"Nerdy much?" a girl beside Annabeth asked. It was Courtney. And she was in love with me. Annabeth just ignored her. " I am talking to you. Look at me when I'm speaking to you!" Courtney said. Annabeth turned and glared which made Courtney yelp. Annabeth turned back to me and smiled. I smiled back. I held out my hand for her and she took it.

"Why are you holding his hand? he's MY boyfriend!" Courtney complained. We both rolled our eyes.

"Not today. Not tomorrow. Not EVER. I WILL NEVER EVER, EVER! be YOUR boyfriend!" I said to her. She growled and tried to separate our hands, but Annabeth and I lifted them away from her. She growled again and gave up. She started flirting with some other guy that was showing off his "abs". Like really? First of all I have WAY better abs then that, and Second, no one wants to see his " 6 pack". More like a 6 pack of pudding cups.

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