Chapter 1

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Sarada's P.O.V

Hi im Sarada Uchiha im 16
and im a student of konoha highschool im in my 2nd year other people struggle in our subject specialy friend she always has the lowest scores in our class so sometimes i help even though ita a drag hahaha. now i need to get to school i heard there is a new student coming in i hope its not a guy.

Third person P.O.V

Sarada gets her uniform for school waited for the school bus.when she arrived at her school she meets with her friends and talked about the new student.

Sarada's P.O.V

"I hope its not another annoying guy its just giving me stress" i said."well i hope its not another girl cuz you might boss her around hahahaha"chocho said.
"well we just got to wait and see but if it is a guy i want that guy  to be hot and smart(giggle)"i said."haha sarada you know there's no existing guy like that. shikadai he is smart but he is lazy and only has 4packs.inojin is hot but not to smart,he's only talent is art and he is so boring to hang with"chocho said."yeah but how did you know all that?"i said with a smirk."i-i uhh you know i kinda date them hehe."chocho said with embarrasment."yeeaa go chocho im so proud of you but why did you date them?".i said with another smirk."i-i like them both okay thats why"chocho said while she blushes lightly."well chocho you can't have both guys you gotta choose one or you gonna have a complicated relationship"i said with a little concern."i-i dont know what to do sarada"she said"."well just decide okay its not hard"i said."well if your in my position it will be hard."she said."chocho its just a breeze just decide shikadai or inojin." i ordered."i-i choose- suddenly someone cut her and its shikadai.

"hey cho umm i am wondering if we could go to another date?"shikadai said while blushing."yeah sure shika-kun pick me up tomorrow at 7:00am ok"chocho said."nice s-see you then"shikadai said while blushing really hard.

Third person P.O.V

when shikadai left them,they went to there classroom and met there classmates.sarada looked around and she didn't saw the new student.she didn't know why she is so interested with this because in the past she didn't care about the transferries at all
but now she is thinking why now.

Hope you guyz like it cuz this is my first story i ever wrote😊

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