Part 2

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It was ghostly silent. I was somewhere warm and comfortable. My bed. It was so silent. The only sound was the birds that were cheering outside. My eyes slowly opened, and I was greeted by the morning sunrise.

I groaned while rolling in my bed, covering my face. "I don't wanna get up....." I told myself out loud. Though it didn't stop me from getting up.

I put on my slippers and stumbled out of my bed to Lucy's room. Weirdly, she was awake. 

"Hello my little flower" I greeted her with a squeaky, yet childish voice. She looked at me and smiled widely. I picked her up carefully and looked at her, "You're in a good mood today? aren't ya?" I smiled as she just started looking around her new room, "Well... unfortunately, mommy's not.... she had a nightmare last night... what did you dream about mommy?"  I mimicked Lucy, "It was terrible dear, I don't think you wanna hear about a dark figured man that was saying that 'he'll kill us'."

With that I sighed and left Lucy's room with Lucy herself in my arms.

"I called a babysitter for you.... where is she though?" I said while walking down the stairs with Lucy still in my arms.

I was downstairs with Lucy, while preparing us both of something to eat. "What would you like, Lu?" I asked her while looking through the cupboards, trying to find of any plates. But I was stopped when I heard the front door slowly creak open. The violent wind rushed on my bare legs, giving me Goosebumps. I heard footsteps, hesitantly marching towards me. I remained frozen. My back towards the front door.

"I'm sorry I'm late Mrs." I heard a famine voice behind me say.

I threw my tension away and finally turned around to look at the babysitter I've called yesterday. "Anna.... you scared me" I said smiling at her.

"oh... sorry.... I know I should've knocked" she said smiling back. Suddenly her smile became wicked. "Had fun last night?" she asked me.

I looked confused at her, "what?" my smile dropped and I became full of confusion.

"Ah, never mind! just go to work before you get late!" she laughed.

I did as she said and went off to work, leaving Lucy and Anna at home.

At work.

I sat on the desk while chatting with my colleague, Alex.

"... and did he really say that? Yes! I can't believe how he's trying to change my damn mind!" she continued with her story, "....erh..... he's such a idiot..... uh.... so? um? enough about me, what has been happening with you lately? haven't seen you in weeks!" she finally has asked me.

"Me? um... well.... I had a divorce with Nathan, and I-"

"Wait! you had a divorce!?" she interrupted me.


"Why!? Nathan and you were so cute together - the perfect couple!"

"He might look good - but his personality isn't!" I exclaimed, slightly angered.

"...what? w-what'd he do?" she asked, looking quite shocked.

"I don't wanna talk about it..." I hissed while getting my stuff to leave.

"Fine.... esshhhh... but just saying, you shouldn't be a whore and sleep with other men.... again." she murmured.

"Again? what do you mean 'again'?" I said while looking at her dead in the eyes.

"Stop acting stupid as if you don't know" she hissed.

I looked at her quite hurt and confused. She looked up at me and realised that I wasn't sure what she was talking about. She groaned and rolled her eyes than looked back at me.

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