Chapter 3

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Sehun's POV

I should have at least ask his name. Well, its not my fault that he immediately run off. My thoughts are still flowing about that guy who looks like Luhan. I can't take him out of my head. There's a part of me that's craving for his personality. I'm starting to like him... but not like like. I mean like him to be my friend. Yeah. Those are the right words.

I felt like I'm running late so I glance at my wrist watch. "Oh sh*t! I really am running late!" I shouted without a thought. I immediately run off. When I reached the building I started to look for my perspective classroom and, Found it!

I was huffing like crazy and trying to catch my breath when I reached the door step.

"Its your first day and you're late." I think its our class adviser. "I'm sorr--" He didn't let me finished or even bother to listen to my explanation and immediately yelled, "DETENTION! NOW!"

This professor!! I'll take my revenge... I thought.

"Where's the detention room?" I said to him and smile teasingly. Like I really want to go in there.  "Look for it by yourself!" He shouted. "Okay!" I sang. I left cheerfully to tease him, and I guess it worked out. I heard the students laughing.

After a few minutes I found the detention room. It was empty and only silence filled the room. "This day would be peaceful." I said. I sat on one of the chairs and tried to sleep. I know its prohibited but no one's gonna see me anyway. Then my dream started.

Luhan's POV

I'm so stupid for not checking my things. Now, I have to go all through these troubles. I've been searching for my cellphone and that device thingy that master gave me. Just in case of emergency, he made a small device wherein it will send my location and a message automatically to him if I turn to a mannequin when I'm not yet home.

"There you are!" I shouted in joy and immediately rushed towards my school. Yes. I'm still attending schools even when I'm in this sort of situation. Its not a wall to stop me from doing things that I usually do. I'm not that worried anymore because of 5 months of attending classes, I never failed to go home before sundown. I'm so proud about that.

"Sorry sir I'm l--" I arrived so late and before I could finish my reasoning, "DETENTION!!" He yelled really loud. Almost breaking my eardrum.

"This one's like a deja vu!" One of my classmate, Chen said. "Ahahahah! Yeah! Like the new guy earlier!" Chanyeol agreed then everybody laughed. New guy? I asked inside my head. "SHUT YOUR MOUTHS OR ELSE YOU ALL GO TO THE DETENTION ROOM!" Mr. Choo scolded and they all immediately shut their mouths. I just ran towards the detention room because he might explode his anger to me. Poor new guy. I guess Mr. Choo erupted earlier when I'm not yet here. Looks like I'll be the first one to know about the transferee.

As soon as I enter the room, "Annyeonghaseyo! Luhan imnida!" I greeted, but to my surprise, a sleeping student welcomed me. "Oops... Good thing I didn't woke him up." I mumbled.

I sat on the empty seat, one chair apart from him. I tried to see his face but I can't. He buried his face under his strong-looking arms. He moved a bit but I still can't see his face. "I'll just see it later." I murmured. I stood up and head towards the window and watched the students outside. I saw Tao teaching Baekhyun some wushu. And there's also Chen trolling Kai and D.O with Chanyeol. Then, Lay, sleeping comfortably on one of the bench. "If it isn't because of this thing I should have been outside, bonding with them." I said then sighed heavily.

Sehun's POV

"If it isn't because of this thing I should have been outside, bonding with them." I heard someone with unfamiliar voice said. I slightly took a peek at that someone. I saw a guy standing in front of the window. He's like watching something. I can only see his back facing me.

"Hey." I greeted in a low-volumed voice. But he just ignored me. My voice can't reach his ears. I just glanced at my watch and saw that the next class is about to begin. I immediately got up on my feet and rushed outside and look for my next room. I banged the door shut and I saw the guy inside startled about my sudden actions.

Luhan's POV

*Boooog!* (a/n: mianhe I don't know what's the sound of a banged door)

I was startled when I heard the door shut. And what's more surprising is that the new guy who's sleeping in here was gone all of a sudden. I thought I'll be the first one to know about him but he just passed by so easily.

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