Home And I'm Sorry's

Start from the beginning

Blair's P.O.V

I ran. I ran down my university hall with my associate degree diploma in my hand towards my dormitory. I ran with happiness within my heart and a wide smile on my face with I'm sure twinkling green eyes.

I could feel the afternoon London air through my now long hair since my haircut and I loved it. As much as I love London, I wanted to go. I wanted to go home. Home to my parents, home to New Jersey and home to Janey.

I actually wanted to surprise Janey. I told my parents well practically begged them not to tell Aunt Claire or Chloe because they will tell Janey. They agreed and said get my ass there. I love them. I reached my dorm and I didn't even think of stopping and breathing from the run.

I immediately brought out my suitcase and started packing. A voice stopped me though.. it sounded annoyed, upset. I turned around and there was Grace, wearing her graduation dress and her diploma in her hand.


She cut me off though however by going into her room. I swallowed and hesitantly walks into her room seeing her sitting on the bed.

"Before you came, I was probably the loneliest person you would ever meet. I didn't have a best friend. I had a few friends..yes.. but they weren't me true friends. And then you came along and I wasn't so lonely anymore Blair. You became my best friend, and my truest friends and seeing you so eager in leavin.." this time I cut her off by sitting next to her.

"I'm sorry if it appears that way Grace, honestly I wasn't thinking of anything else but my family and Janey and I know I should have thought about London and how sad I will be when leaving. I will be sad, I will Grace. I experienced a whole new life style. I will never forget London, and you! We will keep in contact and I will visit you. Grace you're one of my best friends." I said softly and she chuckled.

"Thanks for that.. I'm going to miss you friend" Grace said finally and I nodded, we then hugged. Grace and I never really ever hugged, she says it's her British style or in her family. She then playfully pushed me away..

"Okay! Come on bitch let's continue your packing. You wanna go back and shake that sexy yet small firm ass at Janey right?" I immediately glared at her and she laughed out loud. I really do have crazy best friends.

"I don't have a.." but then I decided not to finish my sentence because I knew she was true and didn't have to turn myself around to look at my backside. I grumbled and continued on packing with Grace's help.

When Blue had visited me 2 weeks ago, we spent the week she was here all out and hanging out. We did find an engagement ring for Lexy and Blue promised me she wouldn't ask Lexy until I arrived back in New Jersey. Blue always appeared nervous when the topic came up now but I always smiled secretly knowing Lexy was going to say yes.

Lexy is practically smitten with Blue. When I was still in New Jersey, and they weren't together I would see Lexy sneak peaks at Blue and laugh at every joke Blue would say even though they were dry jokes. When they were together, Lexy would always look at Blue with "that" look, the look Janey always gives me when she wants me to kiss her. Lexy looked at Blue like Blue was her savior.

Jane's P.O.V

"Tell me!"

Lexy practically whined in my ear and I huffed. We decided to go to the gym today and Lexy has non stop whined about why Blue is acting suspicious since she came back from her visit to London. I did think something was up with Blue because she always seemed nervous or fidgety when ever around Lexy and even with me.

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