Oh she is a vampire

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Layla Morgan sat on the couch watching the stupid vampire movie called Dusked with her little sister Jane, when her twin brother and bestfriend walked in with a arm full of  junk food and a smile pasted on their face. 

"What did you do Benny rob an ice cream truck or something?" she asked him looking over the couch. He smiled innocently and shrugged God I Love that smile .

"Tomorrow we officially join the high school brotherhood," Benny stated but stopped when Layla coughed signaling him," and women hood,"  He finished 

"We are men. We must mark that moment," Ethan added and to be honest Layla didn't really pay attention to the rest of the conversation, something about Sunday,  and marshmallows. She was lost in thought until Jane tapped her knee bringing her back to reality. 

"Hey Ethan did you hear that," Jane asked and of course they ignored her as they push marshmallows into their mouth so instead Jane pulled Layla's hand and walked out the door.

They came to a stop looking at a boy throwing a ball against the door. Layla glared at the kid watching him throw the ball over and over.  

"What are you doing," Jane demanded,she gets it from me,  Layla thought and smiled proudly 

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Trespassing," Layla butted in and smirked proud of herself for coming up with a good comeback. 

"Why don't you two make like an egg and beat it,"  He says making Layla scoff and Jane glare. 

"I'm going to tell my big brother on you," Jane tried to threaten him but Layla laughed picturing  her twin brother telling off  the big kid

"Really? I'm so scared! pfft. I've seen your brother. He might me older but he Is not big." he grab Jane's doll and hit against the door screaming fetch. Jane screamed grabbing Layla's hand and ran to it. Tuning around he was gone and for a couple of seconds they stood in complete silence. 

When suddenly a shoe came down almost hitting Layla's head, making Jane scream. Out of nowhere their mom and dad pulled up and ran to Jane and  Layla.

"Honey, what's wrong? are you hurt," They asked in panic and fear. Ethan and Benny came running out spitting out the food in the mouth,

"Hey, you're home early," Ethan asked as Benny awkwardly wave. Layla bit her lip to stop from laughing at how scared her brother looked. 

That night Ethan got in trouble with their mom and dad  who both decided that he can't babysit anymore so instead they are hiring one. After everything died down Layla said good night before sunk out her window. 

They next morning she put on Black skinny jeans, Red shirt and black leather jacket. After a long walk to school Layla stood at Ethan's right listening to them talk. 

"A babysitter? for you?" Benny asked laughing as they walking into school

"Not for me. For Jane.  And Shhh keep it down man. This kind of info can ruin a guy's rep." Ethan shushed Benny making Layla laugh. 

"Well on the positive side one of these primo high school babes could totally be at your house tonight," Benny said looking at a passing girl. Layla's heart stopped beating. Sighing she tighten her strap on my back pack and faced them. Benny looked at the girl for any sign of jealously but sighed when there was no sign .

"Got to go big brother, see you at lunch," she said and kissed Ethan's cheek before going to her locker down the hall. Closing her locker Jesse and his "Gang" were leaning against the others. 

My babysitter's a vampire ~ Benny WeirWhere stories live. Discover now