Chapter 1

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Daniel Fenton had had enough. Why couldn't people just leave him alone?! To most people he looked like any other teenager. But that was to 'most' people. Others viewed him as a nerd, some a slacker, and to even more he was just the son of Jack and Maddie Fenton. People that thought those things only knew half of him though. They knew him as Danny Fenton.

Other people viewed him as something completely different. Freak, menace, villain, monster... These were the thoughts of people who only knew his other half, Danny Phantom. But, there was a select few that knew both side of him. These people were Danny's friends. They saw him as a hero, a savior, he was funny, charming, he liked to smile, he was good at video games, he liked cheeseburgers. These were the people that kept Danny going.

All of Amity Park hated Danny Phantom, although no one did more than Jack and Maddie Fenton.

"Jack dear, can you take a look at this ecto blaster? The calibration is all wrong and I can't figure out what happened to it."

This was just a normal day in the Fenton household. Jack and Maddie sat at the kitchen table tinkering with their different ghost hunting gadgets as their two children Jazz and Danny tried to eat breakfast before leaving for school.

"Sure honey, let me take a peak."

Jazz sighed as Maddie handed him the machine. "Mom, Dad, can't you guys not mess with those things while Danny and I are trying to eat?" Jazz glanced over to Danny who winced when Jack made the machine whir to life.

"But Jazz sweetie don't you want mommy and daddy to catch the mean ghosts who haunt people all the time?" Maddie tried to be gentle and appeal to Jazz but it didn't work.

"Mom how many times do I have to tell you that not all ghosts are evil? In fact some of them are actually really nice!" Danny reached under the table and put a hand on her leg. Their eyes met and he looked at her telling her there was no use trying to convince them.

Maddie and Jack broke their silent conversation with laughter "That's a good one Jazzy!" Jack laughed even harder "As if any ghost could be good?!"

Maddie nodded "Your father's right Jazz. I mean just look at Phantom," Jazz had to keep herself from glaring. To her surprise Danny seemed to be ignoring them and just lazily picked at his cereal. "he tries to convince everyone in town that he's some kind of hero when all he ever does is destroy people's property and put their lives in danger."

"Man I can't wait till we get our hands on him!" Jack slammed his fist on the table suddenly "I know we'll get him one of these days! Then we can tear him apart molecule by molecule!"

Maddie quickly got excited too "We can do experiments on him to find out more about ghosts! Oh, then we can dissect him!"

"We could use the Fenton saw to see what's inside his bones!"

"And we could see what the heart really looks like!"

"I wonder if they have lungs... I guess we'll just have to find out!"

Jazz sat there horrified as they continued to talk about KILLING her little brother! She realized that Danny was no longer at the table and the front door was open.

She grabbed her bag and ran out of the room, not even disturbing the disgusting conversation she had left. She ran out the door and quickly caught up with Danny.

"Hi Jazz." He mumbled.

She sighed and fell in step with him "Don't let them get to you Danny. You know that they love you right? They just... have funny ways of showing it..."

"Is one of those ways threatening to kill me on a daily basis?" it didn't go unnoticed by jazz as a single tear slipped from his eye. "Jazz... do mom and dad hate me?"

"No Danny of course they don't!" she hugged him as more tears started falling and he ended up crying. "Danny mom and dad love you very much. They just don't understand everything and things that people don't understand they often tend to dislike."

"But Jazz they want to kill me!" he started crying even more as Jazz rubbed his back.

"Danny I think I have a way to get this to stop but I warn you... it's going to be hard..." Danny looked up at her expectantly and she sighed "I think you should tell mom and dad your secret..."

(A/N - Well guys I hope you liked it so far. :) I update on weekends so see you next weekend. Thanks for reading!!! :) Bye!)

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