Here Comes Y/n

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Momoko's Pov

   I called together a supervisor meeting and I was full of joy as soon as Hajime arrived,he looked so cool . Everyone was silent and waiting for me to begin okay I better get right to the point before my voice cracks.

  "Listen carefully I will only say this once,we are getting a new inmate usually I would only call the supervisor who will be in charge of the inmate here,but this time it's different.For the first time in Nanba History we will have a female prisoner her name is Y/n and she will be in block 13 cell 13 her number is 13 I want Hajime along with the rest of you to keep a close eye on her  and report if there's any thing suspicious. "And with that the meeting was over.

Y/n Pov

I was in the supervisor's office with the two who I now know as Yamato(the dunce) and Seitarou ( the pretty boy). 

  "Hey look Seitarou it's an all about me book "! I say acting chummy why'll picking up a file on me from off a desk that says supervisor.

  "Ms. Y-"

"I said to drop the Ms God dammit I wanna be treated like everyone else,because let's be honest I don't even look different from everyone else." I say all of a sudden becoming serious I say while messing up papers on the desk where I found the file.

  "If you wanna be treated like everybody else then here are the rules you broke next time follow them."
"Supervisor?"Seitarou said...well more like asked.

"No disrespecting the guards and no touching my desk...oh no look at my papers. "

  "If  you think that's a mess just wait until you see what I can really do "

"If you make more work for me I will hit you"he said and then cuffed me bringing me to the cell. Why'll we walked I ate the hand cuffs,when we got to the door I could here him go through his pockets to find the key, he turned around to un cuff me .But was surprised.

  "Wh-what did you do with my hand cuffs? "

"What handcuffs?"I asked pretending to sound clueless,he just groaned and opened the door. Then threw me in.

   "Oww you Asswh-" I began but was cut off by the door slamming shut.

Nico's Pov

   Rock,Uno,Juugo,and I were just told we were getting anew cell mate. But before we had time to protest, Hajime opened the door throughing it in before slamming the door. We all surrounded it, Uno's idea,safety in numbers.

    "Hey the name's Y/n , nice to meet you."the inmate introduced with a grin.

     "Wait a minute! " Uno yelled.

  "What now? "Juugo asked

" Our new inmate is a Woman.I would know one anywhere"

   "Wait really!?" The 3 of us yelled.

   "And there is something special about this one she is a Tomboy!" Uno yelled pointing at her.

    "What of it!"she shouted at him.

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