Arkham Sessions | Midnight Talk

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Locked up.

For the fourth time.

In two days.

People here really need to chill and get some sense of humor.

"It was just an ear! He has an extra one!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, feeling completely bored and hungry. Being locked up in these cells gave me some time to think but it was easier with a full stomach.

It was probably midnight, there was no noise but the sound of my own breathing and I refused to sleep, not that I did that often but after four hours of confinement a small nap didn't sound so bad.

My back hit the mattress and I groaned, wondering what was my doctor doing. My adorable, little, blonde and annoying doctor. She had called herself sick –or so they said– and I missed her like hell.

"Fuck..." I mumbled to myself, running my hands down my tired face. I refused to miss that brat. Why would I? Her constant stupid, annoying questions? Her nagging? Her perfect blue eyes and full lips that made my–

"Stop it!" I slapped myself and turned around furiously, pulling the covers up to my head and closed my eyes, ready to meet Mr. Sandman.

The sound of the metal door unlocking made my whole body spring up from the bed instantly, my senses ready to strike when the figure of the annoyance herself showed up by the doorframe, biting her bottom lip with her usual awkwardness.

"Goodnight, Mr. J." she said, closing the door behind her and making sure to lock it perfectly.

"What do we have here?" my voice matched my sarcastic smirk as I eyed her from head to toe. It was so foreign to me, watching her in a normal attire; jeans, some nonsense band hoodie and converse sneakers, her silky blonde hair pulled up in a messy bun. What. The. Fuck. "You look so pretty." I lied. Kind of.

"Thank you." she said, sweetly. "I– I heard you haven't eaten since yesterday so I brought you some snacks."

Harleen handed me a bag of chips, a soda and a sandwich, probably made by herself in a rush.

"So thoughtful, child." I said, accepting my fancy dinner and opened the chips, trying not to look so starved. "How did you manage to get in here?"

She looked distressed, bags and dark circles under her eyes which signaled she hadn't slept for days. I wondered what had her under such terrible state. We shared that ridiculous picnic a few weeks ago and when Harleen had the nerve to kiss me, I felt everything between us changing. This volatile kid, should have known better. I was breaking her.

I watched her approach me as I ate the chips, sitting right next to me and leaving no space between us. My muscles tensed when my nostrils caught that sweet smell I almost chocked. This woman...

"I– I sedated the guards." she said, her eyes glued to the floor shyly. I couldn't help but laugh and without thinking straight, my arm found its way around her waist, making her stiffen but welcoming my embrace.

"Why? You wanted to see me? Why are you here? My beautiful Doctor Quinzel." my voice brushed her ears and I could see her skin getting goosebumps. Her eyes met mine and I was caught off guard when her lips crashed against mine again.

This time I responded to the kiss, letting my tongue play with hers as I wrapped both arms around her and pushed her slowly against the mattress.

"This is so wrong," I heard her mumble against my lips. I pulled away and noticed tears in her eyes. The Joker would have laughed in her face, he would have taken advantage of her vulnerable state but I couldn't find myself doing it. I was so aroused and at the same time as scared and confused as she was.

"This is so right, doll." I decided to take the risk. My hands pulled her hoodie up and I tossed it to the floor. The thin t-shirt followed leaving my doctor in nothing but a bra, her soft bare skin at my mercy. I wasted no time in moving my skilled hands down to unbutton her jeans and pulled them down her legs, a different hunger building up inside me.

Her fingers brushed my cheeks with adoration, like I was some sort of God she worshipped and even though her face was stained with tears, I knew she was happy and I smiled to myself.

I had succeeded. Harleen was mine.

But it was just when her small hands reached for the hem of my shirt and removed it that I froze. My lustful state of mind disappeared and was replaced by the most undescribable guilt.

"What is it?" she whispered. I pulled away from her and stood up, reaching for her hoodie and handing it to her.

"Why are you here Harleen?" I asked in an more serious tone, "Why have you been missing our sessions? You are not sick. Don't lie, not to me."

She put on her hoodie obediently, staring down at her feet as her eyes shed more tears. It was obvious now I wasn't the only one feeling guilt and shame.

"I think I'm in love–" she took a deep breath and looked up at me with fear. "with you."

It took me a few moments to process her words. I wasn't surprised at her confession but I never thought she would actually say it out loud.

I was happy. But why? Because now I could manipulate her? Because I had found my way out of here? Because I had feeling for her too?

"No." the word left my red lips along with a sarcastic chuckle, "You are so confused. You couldn't possibly be in love with me, little girl. I'm a criminal! I'm insane! I'm dangerous! I'm a monster!"

"I know and I don't fucking care!" Harleen screamed and I looked away from her. It was unbearable staring at her crying face, her bloodshot eyes pierced my brain worst than the ECT. "I was so lonely before I met you, J. My life had no sense until our sessions started. You listen to me, you care about me and I know you feel something for me too."

I refused to look back at her. Stupid little girl. But Harleen's words hit me like a brick and for that I wanted nothing more than to strangle her, watch the light from her eyes disappear. Those eyes that had me trapped every time I stared at them.

What the hell are you doing to me?

"Say something, please."

I finally looked back at her and something inside me melted like icecream on a hot summer day, the rage disappearing. Her legs were still bare and the oversized hoodie made her look like a little girl. The urge to protect overcame the desire to slit her throat.

"Come here." I said as I laid down on the mattress, pulling her her back into my arms, she obliged happily.

No words came out, we stared at each other in silence as I ran my hand up and down her back until she drifted off to sleep.

"You will be the death of me, child." I whispered as I planted a kiss on her forehead.

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