2. My brother

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"It's your pilot speaking, we will be landing in ten minutes. Thank you for flying with us and please fasten your seat belts." I hear through the intercom.

I had the window seat and was sitting next to this business woman. She had her MacBook out for most of the flight and had ordered around five coffees.

I look at my phone and see a text from Cameron.

Call me when you land.

I could feel the awkwardness radiating through the phone. This is what happens when your mom sends you with your brother who you haven't talked to in months.

Him and Sierra talk all the time. They're basically best friends. Him and I never talk unless we're forced to really. He never seemed interested in what I had to say and I definitely wasn't interested in what he had to.

The plane shakes and it pulls me out of my thoughts. I realize we're almost on the ground. I love the feeling of landing, definitely better than taking off.

It seemed like once we came to a stop everyone started freaking out and trying to get their bags. I just sat in my seat waiting for them to get cleared before I got my bag.

"Wanting to stay for the next flight or something?" A boy who looked around my age asks me.

He had pretty good physical features. Which is probably why I responded.

"Yes actually! I really love the feeling of being cramped in a death machine thousands of feet in the air." I sarcastically answer and he chuckles.

"Who doesn't?" He asks and I laugh a little.

"I just didn't want to get in everyone's way. They seemed like they had to be somewhere." I tell him and he nods.

I get up and get my carry on down. I almost dropped it cause it came down so fast.

"Woah there. You should be more careful." He says and catches it in mid air.

"Thanks." I tell him and he nods.

"So what brings you to LA?" He asks as we walk off the plane.

I thought we would be done socializing, but he kept going. Not like I'm complaining, he isn't annoying me, yet.

"My brother lives here. He's Cameron Dallas. You probably won't know him unless you're a twelve year old fan girl." I tell him and his eyes widen slightly.

"Cameron Dallas? My ex girlfriend was obsessed with him. I actually watched that movie he's in with her. He's a funny guy." He says and I was surprised. Guys don't usually know who he is.

"Yeah, well I'm the little sister of the funny guy." I say and we get to the end of the tunnel thing.

"That's really cool. You must love being related to him." He assumes which mostly everyone does.

They think cause he's this famous social media star that our sibling relationship is perfect. Honestly I've seen animals have a better relationship than us.

"I don't really see him like everybody else. I only see him as my annoying brother" I admit and he nods.

Once we're in the airport I realize I forgot to call Cameron. I pick up my phone until I hear my name being yelled.

"Rae! Rae!" I hear and I almost didn't recognize it. I look and see Cameron come up to me.

"There you are. Didn't you get my text to call me?" He asks and then looks at the guys standing next to me.

"I got distracted." I answer and I knew it sounded a lot worse than it was, but annoying Cameron is fun.

"Well it was nice meeting you Rae." The guy says. He probably heard Cameron yell my name across the entire airport.

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