Chapter 25

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        A week later Prussia was doing fine, and we had gone to Russia to take shelter. It was far from where the Darks were, but we had bigger problems. Russia had been acting odd. He slept in later, didn't eat a lot, and sat on the couch under a blanket most of the time. He insisted he was fine, but I knew better. I walked into his large living room and found him under a brown fuzzy blanket, the only light in the room coming from the fireplace. "Ivan, you alright?" I asked. "I'm fine." He said for the hundredth time. "No your not." I said, going to his side. I put a hand on his forehead and my eyes widened, "Your burning up!" I gasped. I ran to the kitchen and got a cold, damp cloth and brought it back, putting it on his forehead and holding it in place. "How long have you felt like this." I demanded. "Look it's nothing you can help so just please leave me be." Russia frowned. "Tell me." I said firmly. "Russian people are dying. The darks have come over here and they are slaughtering them. They know that it will weaken me and if they manage to kill all of them I will dissolve." Russia sighed, pulling the blanket around himself more. I looked at him sadly, taking in what he had just said. "Well, come on. We need to get your heavy clothes off. It will take your fever down". He raised a brow, "Your definition of heavy clothes?" He asked. "Your coat and scarf." I assured him. He paused for a moment before nodding in agreement. He allowed me to take his coat off with no fight but I reached for his scarf and he held onto it. "We have to take it off." I insisted. He pulled it off, revealing scars on his neck. "Oh my god! Ivan where did you get these!" I gasped. "An old boss...Don't worry about it." He said, sinking down further under the blanket. He looked so defeated, and helpless.... "Alright now get so sleep." I said, trying my best to look calm. He turned over on his side away from me and I stood up again. I sat on the couch beside where he laid and leaned my head against arm of the couch.

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