Chapter 17

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        I got a text and pulled my dress over and rummaged through a pocket I had sewn on the inside of it until I found my phone. I saw it was from England.

Kay, why is a maid telling me that a girl in a light blue dress with blonde hair took off with domino?

I sighed and put my phone away, standing up. "Arthur found out I snuck away, I have to go." I said. "Awww." Everyone said at the same time. "Your joining us tonight still, right?" America asked. "Hell yes!" I laughed, picking my dress up and changing behind the tree again. I tossed Lisa her bathing suit back. "Seeya raven!" She waved as I ran off. I went back through the woods until I got to domino, mounting him and riding back to the stables. I looked around and made sure the violent maid was nowhere to be found and put domino back in his stall. I went into the mansion and straight to my room where I dried my hair and brushed through it till it was silky smooth again. I heard my door open and close and I turned to see England. "Kay, I know you were out doing something, what were you doing with my horse?" He said. "I was at the lake." I replied. "Doing what?" He pressed. "Swimming." I said, walking past him and into my room. "With who?" He continued. "Friends." I said, getting irritated I turned to face him, "Why do you care so much?" I snapped. "Because you mean a lot to me." He answered calmly. I face planted on my bed, "Well stop caring so much." I groaned into my pillow. He chuckled and went over to my door, "I was chosen to take care of you and that's just what I'm doing." He said, leaving my room.

Little Miss SC (Book 2 in SC series)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें