Chapter 18

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      I found my old army outfit, I almost forgot I had it. It's been so long since I've worn this. I thought, changing into it. I looked over at the clock, 11:30, it was time to head out. I stuck my sword in it's sheath on my belt, just in case. I looked out my window and all I could see was fog. Great, how am I going to get down the tree. I opened my window and felt around until I found the branch, climbing out and cracking the window just as I did before. I slid across the branch and slowly descended down,  hopping and swinging from limb to limb. Hah, still got it. I thought proudly as I stepped onto the ground. "Too foggy to ride a horse..." I thought aloud. "I'll have to run." I sighed, taking a jogging start before running full speed towards the lake. I ran into someone through the fog and yelped, putting my hand on the handle of my sword. "Oh, it's only you." A Russian accent said. "Good Lord don't scare me like that." I breathed, letting go of the handle. "Want to go through together?" Russia asked, looking over at the foggy woods, they looked creepy in the dark, and with the fog added it looked like a horror movie. "Yeah..." I gulped. "Don't be afraid, it's only trees." He chuckled, walking into the woods. "Wait up!" I called after him, running to catch up. We walked side by side in silence for what seemed like forever until I saw a few figures through the fog moving about. "There they are!" I said, pointing through the fog. Russia nodded and we sprinted over to them. "I see you guys made it!" Lisa said cheerfully. "Is everyone here?" America asked. "Where's Canada?" Russia asked. Canada looked down sadly. "He's right here idiot!" I snapped, slapping Russia's shoulder. "How are we gonna het out on the lake?" I asked. "We got a boat." Lisa grinned. "You stole it didn't you." I said flatly. "NO, I borrowed it from Iggy." She said, purposely making her lying tone obvious. "Let's go!" America laughed, grabbing Lisa and I both by our wrists. I gripped onto Russia's scarf as a reaction and pulled him along. Russia pulled Canada by his arm and we were all pulled by America to the boat. We all got situated and I sat in the back beside Russia, letting my hand skim over the water as we paddled out. It was quiet except for the sound of crickets chirping. America looked around like an alert animal, I knew he we scared but I didn't say anything. I saw something in the water beside my hand move and then disappear, it looked like a shadow. A moment later I felt something bump my hand lightly. It's only a fish. I thought, my mind trying to calm my nerves down. I felt it again and snatched at the water, grabbing something for a moment before it slipped out of my hand. Russia tilted his head, "What are you doing?" He asked. "There's something in the water." I replied, staring at the water. The boat suddenly bobbed up once and there were ripples in the water beside us. "What's that!?!" America squealed. "I don't know, but I'm going to steady us." I said, reaching out to a branch sticking out above the water. As soon as I touched it it went under, making us all squeal in surprise, everyone except Russia at least, who just tilted his head at it. I saw ripples moving towards our boat and pointed, "Guys..." I said slowly. We all watched as they came beside our boat and then stopped. I saw something just under the surface and leaned over the side to look at it, squinting at the dark water. Out of nowhere a large figure emerged from the water, making me flail backwards. Everyone (except Russia) screamed and in unison jumped back, tipping our boat over. We all surfaced, coughing in surprise and most shivering from the freezing cold water. The figure laughed harshly and perched itself on our overturned boat, smiling down at us with its red eyes glowing. "Who the hell are you!" I shouted, terrified. "Aw, you don't remember me? I would think you wouldn't remember Canada, but not yourself!" They laughed.

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