Chapter 15

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       I didn't see my horse anywhere, her stall was empty. "Hm, one of the maids probably took her to get cleaned, I guess I can use domino." I sighed, going over to England's horse. Domino reared up happily at my attention. "Come on domino." I said, pulling him out of his stall and petting him. A maid walked through the stables and saw me, "Oi! Who are you!" She demanded, she must not know who I am. I thought. She took out a knife and held it up, threatening me. "Put the horse back!" She shouted, waving the knife. What a violent maid! My mind squealed. I mounted the horse quickly, it didn't even have a saddle. "Get off of it!" The maid shouted. "Yah!" I yelled, poking the horses side with the heel of my boot. The horse raced past the maid and ran out of the stable, I held onto it's mane tightly. "Get back here!" The maid shouted from behind me. l lost her easily and laughed, guiding the horse towards where my destination was, the lake. There was a lake nearby and I knew very well the guys liked to go there,  I wanted to hang out with them. I got to the lake and led domino to a place where he could graze and starting through the stretch of trees that guarded the lake from sight. I leapt over a fallen tree and swerved through the trees. I heard laughter and recognized it as America. I picked up the pace and ran through the trees, finally getting to the end where it opened up to the lake. I saw America, Canada, Russia, France and... Lisa? Whoa, what's Lisa doing here? I wondered. America spotted me and pointed, "Kay!" He laughed, running over and hugging me tightly, he was soaking wet. "Alfred!" I shouted, pulling away and frowning at my now wet dress. "Oops, sorry!" He laughed. I saw that everyone was in bathing suits. "It appears you all are swimming?" I said. He smiled, "Yup! Come join us!" He said, taking my wrist and pulling me over to the others. "I don't have a swimsuit." I frowned slightly. "I brought an extra one!" Lisa shouted holding up a black bikini. "Why?" I asked. "Because hanging out with these guys, it's always good to be sure." She grinned, handing it to me. "Where do I change?" I asked, looking around. "Behind a tree or something." Lisa said, eating a chip from a bag. I took it behind a few trees and changed, walking back over slowly, embarrassed. France whistled, "Sexy~" He purred. We all looked over at him and glared. "What? It's true! Don't you agree Ivan?" He chuckled, nudging Russia with his elbow. Russia blushed darkly, "Da." He said quietly. "Ivan!" I snapped, running over to him. He looked down at me, "It's true." He said simply. I pushed him backwards into the lake. He resurface and everyone burst into laughter. "Your lucky I'm in my bathing suit." He said, climbing back out. "What would you do if you weren't?" I challenged. He shoved me into the lake, "That." He smiled.

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