Chapter 12 Carlos

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Ramona's words stook to me better than I'll ever admit. After the whole ghost thing was resolved, it took three days to find the students. I didn't help. Especially since in that time frame, he was coming back. Carlos Izmin. Former general to the Wish Realm's Mary Margaret and David. He was coming back. For me. For my mother. Wish Henry was still pissed at her.

Still furious with me. Still paranoid. A knock sounded on my door taking me out of my little memory lane. I looked over to see Chase with two mugs in his hands.

"I brought tea." He said. "What did you see because of the ghost?"

"My sister." I stated.

"But she's dead!" Chase exclaimed.

"I know!" I shouted. "She was there! She was the ghost that was trying to get my attention! She did all of this to get my attention. And for what? To warn me of a future that may or may not come?"

To warn me that my past was catching up to me faster than I wanted it to. Mom in the spam of hours not only lost one of her daughters, but also her love. I felt helpless in this situation. Like I could be doing more, but something inside didn't want me to be that. It didn't want me to be more, because I was just enough.

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure Bree, Adam, Leo, Mr Davenport, and Douglas would help you. I would help you." Chase assured me.

"Thanks, but I think my future is something I have to face on my own." I declined.

Someone knocked on the door and Bree appeared. "Amy, your visitor is here."

"Thanks, Breezie. I'll be right there." I said leaving, but Bree and Chase stayed behind for I don't know what.

There stood Carlos Izmin waiting at a table. Still on a mission to kill me I... sorta see.

"Hey, Carlos." I said, awkwardly, waving at the brunette boy.

He turned to me. "Hi, Amelia."

"Don't call me that! I go by Amy and Lia now! You know that!" I snapped at him.

"Well, sit, sit. I have a proposition for you." He told me.

I sat down in the chair across ftom him. "What do you need? Is your Henry still after me and my head?"

"On the contrary, he has found other things to be concerned about. Other than hunting down the two people who killed his grandparents." Carlos said sarcastically.

"Two hearts, two people. We thought it would be poetic to use the both of us to crush their hearts to get Emma to listen." I explained. "It's as simple as that."

"It's not as simple as you think, little A Melia Mills. Anyway, we think that you've gotten soft. You wanted nothing more than to be the next Evil Queen and you thought you might when your mother got soft. But now, I think this world has made you soft. Made you think that only the good get what they rightfully deserve. Your mother has trapped you in this sixteen year old female body for thirty years. Wouldn't you want to do actual things?" Carlos asked.

"What does all of this have to do with me anyway? I believe I have changed for the better." I asked.

"That's this island talking! That's your step-family talking! That's your brother talking! You don't really think this," he gestured to all of me, "version of you is actually good. Sure you fight monsters, help the heroes save people, but you could be the one that makes the heroes save people."

"I can't do that to them!"

"Well, Henry'd turning into a twisted bastard, and I need someone to knock him down a few pegs! Be the Evil Queen. Be the one who rules her own kingdom. There is no Snow White to get in your way." Carlos said.

𝘽𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙘 𝘼𝙘𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙢𝙮―𝐂.𝐃.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat