Chapter 10 Part 2 Malphas?

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Previously on the Bionic Academy

Amelia screamed and charged at Malphas, but fell when Malphas went out of the way. Malphas laughed before shooting Ramona making her seem to dissolve. People aka Regina and Amelia screamed at what had happened.

"I will kill you. Not today. Not tomorrow, but I'm gonna kill you." Amelia spat.

"There's the darkness that I've been wanting to awaken." Malphas cheered.

Amelia went to punch her. Malphas dodged every single one of her hits. After a while, Malphas started to attack. She brought the water out of the air, and struck Amelia with it. She was drowned in water from the air. Malphas brought back the water to see if Amelia was dead yet. Amelia had no breath, and Malphas could feel her pulse slowing down until it was nothing.

Malphas laughed as she drained the rest of the light and happiness in the whole room. Nothing could stop Malphas now. The only person who could control her was gone. Chase looked at Amelia's lifeless body as people started screaming at her.

"Wake up, Amy!" people shouted.

"Wake up, Amelia!" they said.

Chase came to the conclusion that no one wanted to come too. Ramona Bethany Mills and Amelia Daphne Mills had taken their last breath on their destination of death.

The Next Day

It has been a day since both Amelia and Ramona had left the world thanks to Malphas. Malphas had taken over the academy, and she was not leaving any time soon. She even drained the powers of Regina, Zelena, and Emma as made the author's pen unable to perform its job.

"I need a pumpkin spice latte stat." Malphas ordered Leo who bolted off the island.

Chase, Bree, Adam, Leo, Emma, Regina, Zelena, and the students were powerless compared to Malphas. She was stronger than all the ones with super strength, more agile and faster than the ones with super speed, and smarter than the ones with super smarts. Malphas was unstoppable until October 18th when she met her match.

No one knows how, but Amelia's hand stuck outside the coffin that they were using for the funeral the next day. She pulled herself out of the coffin. She walked to the hydro-loop before hearing a siren go off in for the room. Malphas ran towards the sound with Chase, Bree, Adam, Leo, Davenport, and Douglas running behind her. It was always like this, but no one said a word about it.

Malphas shrieked like a banshee screaming bloody, bloody, bloody murder at the top of her lungs. Bree went to go hug her, but Leo held her back while also holding back Adam. Chase didn't know what to do when he saw her.

"Don't you guys know that when a dead person is alive, it means they are either a zombie or a vampire?" Leo questioned them.

"Shut up, Leo." Malphas snapped.

"Hey, no one tells Leo or anyone of them for that matter to shut up unless it's me." Amelia spat.

"How are you alive?" Malphas barked.

"You should know the proper way of killing someone who still has her powers in her DNA." Amelia explained.

"How is that even possible?" Bree asked.

"When Malphas came out of your body, she brought your powers with her as a gateway to escape your body, therefore bringing the power into her body, and eliminating all of your powers from your body." Chase explained.

"My powers can't leave my body thanks to me being the bridge between this world and the spirit world. My powers keep balance between the two worlds, and even taking a power out of me will throw both worlds into Chaos which can be demonstrated right here.

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