The Reaping

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Clove ran outside with her dress on followed by her brother, her father, and her mother.
She loved them very much so if her brother got reaped, she would volunteer for the female tribute to protect him, even thought im fully aware he can protect himself.
When my mother and father were kids, they trained together in the district 2 training thing. Clove Clove, Clove quickly realized she was day dreaming, so she quickly snapped out of it. Her mother dragged her to the line with the 16 year old girls. The peacekeeper signaled for her arm so she threw it at him, without realizing she slapped him. HA!
Clove thought, she sent him a apologetic grin and he stabbed the needle through her arm, she winced at that.
UGH I hate the reaping only because her friends think they can win so they volunteer, then they die in the arena.

Clove quickly pushed that thought away and then listened for the female tribute.

Alicia, our capitol person walked on stage with bright green wings on, and had a huge bun on the top of her head, some of the capitol crazy people stared in aww at Alicia.
"Well, welcome to the 74th Hunger Games!" Everyone cheered.
Alicia played the video for the games and everyone watched except for me, I was to busy thinking if I got reaped and who I will have to fight, I can probably kill anyone in district 2 except for 2 people, Enobaria, and Cato Hadley.

The video stopped and I started paying attention to Alicia. "Our lucky female tribute for this year's games is!" Everyone was silent and bubbling with anticipation "Clove Kentwell!" The crowd of district 2 people went crazy and as I walked up on stage Alicia started to speak "Well I think we have a almost guarantee  victor in our hands everyone!"
I smiled at that and then Alicia turned and walked to the boys bowl, Please don't be Cato I thought.
"This year's male tribute is!" I almost fainted "CATO HADLEY!!" Alicia screamed and I felt sick as the crowd pushed him on to stage, "well I think this year's victor will definitely be from district 2, do you folks agree?" The crowd went wild again, Alicia smiled and said "THIS YEARS TRIBUTES FROM DISTRICT 2 EVERYONE!!"
The crowd screamed as we were pulled to the train station.
In district 2 we didn't get to say goodbye to our family's because we were almost guaranteed to win and come home. So I blew a kiss to my brother and stepped on to the golden train, on the train the most recent victors, Enobaria and Brutus showed us our rooms and then the train started moving.

I fell asleep almost immediately when we got on the train, Cato told me I slept for 3 hours and we were entering the Capitol now.
I was still in my clothes from the reaping so I panicked and ran into the wall, I was red by now but before I fell on the ground Cato caught me, I blushed as I heard 'awws' from outside and I saw a bunch of colored people, The Capitol!

Hi it's Poppy here and I hope you liked this chapter. Please show me some positive feedback and leave a comment. Also I would appreciate it if you guys voted and left some comments on what to do next. Like I said this is my first story and I think it's good so far... Buh bye!

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