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Saraphina POV

Two words, gorgeous and huge. Walking through the castle, I felt magic around us. I would have stopped to enjoy each painting, each detail I saw, if it wasn't for Gus pulling my pulling on my arm and reminding me that Dracula One was waiting for us.

I admit if it was another time, I would have loved to keep waiting, but this time it was different. At the end of the hall we saw Perseus opening the doors and walking in.

"He is so nice to his visitors." I rolled my eyes. "He could have at least waited for us."

Gus snickered. "He isn't used to anyone questioning his command."

"Command? Who does he think he is?"

"You will see." I heard Gus whisper.

Before I could ask what he was talking about, we walked through the doors and our conversion forgotten as we step into a room with every eye on me.

There was one long table in the middle of the room, with chairs surrounding it. A few of the chairs were occupied, their eyes all on me. But one of them caught my eyes. The same eyes as Perseus, sea green. And I knew it, the one sitting at the end was his father. The leader.

Silence filled the whole room until Perseus's  father rose from his seat, with a smile on his face. "Welcome." His voice was like his sons. Strong and powerful, carrying through the whole room.

Before I could say something, his smiled turned into a chuckle. "Interesting choice of shirt dear, I believe the smell that is coming from you is my sons?"

I found my voice, "He thought it would be best if I wore a shirt of his. To confuse my smell of course." I looked at him, trying to find my confidence.

He nodded the smile still on his face. My eyes wondered around the room for the first time.  The room was almost empty, other then the table and chairs. The back wall was full of big windows, with plain red curtains.

His voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "My names Antonius. I was told of the situation. You will be a visitor here. Treat it like its your own home."

"Thank you sir." I said softly. 

"No need to be formal, may I know your name?" Antonius asked.

"Saraphina." I was getting more confident as I spoke.

And then I saw it. Something in his eye. The way his body stood still. "Saraphina." He said back slowly.

"Just make sure you stay out of everyone's way." I turned around, Perseus was learning his back against the wall, arms crossed, and still no shirt on.

Before anyone else would respond back, I felt the words leaving my mouth. "You know its a shame you didn't inherit your dads kindness. Probably wouldn't be as gloomy if you did."

Gus put his hand over his mouth to cover his laugh, which didn't help much.

He was about to respond back, but his dad cut him off. "Perseus, show respect." He was trying to be stern, but his eyes were laughing. With that he sat back down and looked at me. "He inherited my temper."

I couldn't believe this man had a nasty temper, he was to kind. My eyes followed Perseus, he took the right chair beside his dad.

"Maybe someone should show her around, give her a tour of the manor." One of the man said.

"Sounds like an reasonable idea." Antonius said.

"Gus promised to show me around." I found myself saying.

"Then he shouldn't break that promise." He replied back. "Go on now."

"Thank you."

"Nothing to thank me for."

I smiled.

With that Gus lead me out of the meeting room and into the hallway.

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