Day 11

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Day 11

Already, there is improvement with Takoda. He was able to sleep well last night, after eating what has been the most food we've acclaimed since the beginning of the walking.

His cough remains, but he is walking with more strength and I have Ross to thank for it. I do not understand why he would risk his life to help my brother and me. He doesn't know us, and I've been nothing short of rude to him.

As he has done so the last couple of days, Ross rides beside me and my brother, his intense eyes always watching. I do not stop myself as I look up at him, wondering where he came from, and how he ended up under the General's command.

It is quite obvious Ross is unlike the other soldiers. He hardly ever talks to them and from what I have seen, he doesn't help burn the bodies of the dead. Ross always accompanies the 'Natives', as the General calls us, and waits to continue onward.

Feeling my eyes upon him, Ross tilts his head to the side just so, that our eyes meet. I lose my breath at the raw emotions behind his blue orbs.

It was the same look my father always bestowed upon my mother, whenever he spoke of his love for her. 

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