26 | Prophecy

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My face was still puffy when I arrived home. I allowed myself twenty minutes of crying because of our conversation, and then promised myself that no tears would be shed after that.

I didn't know why I was so upset. Maybe it was due to fact that that I would never kiss those lips again, or that he wouldn't allow me to get close to him no matter how I pleaded. His words were filled with finality, as if he placed a full stop in our story and ended it before it began.

I felt the loss inside my very bones, which scared me senseless. It was one kiss, but it felt like so much more. I don't understand my connection with Kit, but before I had the chance to figure it out he severed us with his words, even as I tried to mend it all back together. I can't force him to change his mind even if I fervently wish that he would.

I can't stay away from him even if I try.

As I pull up to my house the last sole tear falls from my eye, and it was aimed at the boy I would never discover, the boy that was so broken by the things in his past that he was perpetually stuck in the shadows. I know that his powers have affect him greatly – they make him who he is – but Kit shouldn't let them define him. He might be descended from Hades, but that doesn't mean that he should be left in the dark.

I jump out of the car and sigh heavily, trying to think about something else, anything that would take my mind away from him. I decide that I'm going to tell my parents about the claiming tonight. It's been a week already, and I've barely seen them around the house. There hasn't been an appropriate time to talk to them about it; they weren't around long enough to have a proper conversation with.

Voices trail through the house as I walk inside, making me frown. I walk into the kitchen and find my parents and grandparents chatting while they have tea and cake. I allow the smile to lift my lips up at the sight before me, and I pull a chair.

"Hey honey!" Grandma Sophie kisses me on the cheek and smiles as she sees me, "How are you doing?"

"I'm great, Grandma. You?"

"I'm fine! How's school?" she holds my hand, drawing comforting circles on my skin, "made any good friends yet?"

I realize how long it has been since I've seen my grandparents and I've missed talking to them. Even though we've never lived close to each other since now, I've always had a strong connection with both of them.

"Of course she has, Soph! How could an intelligent, beautiful girl like Lux not make amazing friends?" Grandpa Tom winks at me, and I smile cheekily.

"I actually made great friends. They're lovely."

"Oh? What are their names? Or better, what are their last names?" Grandma wiggles her eyebrows mischievously and I laugh.

"There are the Blacks - Nicolas and Kaia - Bronte Walker, Selene Moore, Lucas Crawford and Kit Valentine." I try to hide my frown as I mention him, then glance at my family to distract myself.

Grandma is sharing a worried look with dad, and then she glances at Grandpa with the same expression. I frown at their reaction. Is there something wrong with my friends? She looks at me again, and her expression suddenly changes into a smile, and the moment is gone.

I realize that they know that my friends are demigods and think that I'm still in the dark about everything. I have to tell them the truth.

The front door opens and I hear Alec's heavy footsteps echoing through the living room. He finally appears inside the kitchen and greets our grandparents with warm hugs.

His presence makes me feel more relaxed and assured of myself. Alec was beside me when it all happened – he can help me recount the events that took place on that Friday night.

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