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"Wow." I say stupidly as my vision starts to swim before my eyes and I hold my body against the wall. "I'm... Dizzy."

"Lux?" I hear Kit ask and he walks towards me, and fastens his hold on my skin. "Shit. Come on, let's find Alec."

"Alec? Why do we need to find him?" I say half-incoherently and Kit drags me towards the door and back into the mansion.

We pass through the party goers as we venture inside the mansion again, the people immersed into a crazed, intoxicated state that was consistent all throughout the house. Plumes of smoke floated in the air in front of us like white feathers and everything seemed surreal and incorporeal, like everything happening was a movie projected on a screen.

"What's wrong with her?" I hear someone ask Kit. "Lux?"

I turn my face around and look at Bronte, which is staring at us with concern evident in her eyes. I feel her hands grabbing my face and my eyes try to focus on her features right above me, but my eyes keep sliding off of her in vain. Everything is blurry and mobile in front of my eyes, making my brain bend backwards in confusion, trying to understand what's happening.

"I feel stupid." I hear myself saying and everyone laughs at my disoriented state. I laugh too, trying to imagine what I look like right now.

I'm sat down on a counter and someone is trying to talk to me but the words don't register inside my brain. All I hear are fragments and incoherent mumbles instead of sentences and my blind eyes rest on the floor while we wait.

"What's doing on?" I recognize Alec's voice and his hands grab my face, "What the fuck happened to my sister?"

"She was normal and then she made lightning again, and this happened." Kit explains rapidly and continues holding me straight.

"Lux, I'm going to check on you now, okay?" Alec says forcefully and then he raises his hands in front of us. My eyes register that his palms are shining, emanating a golden glow from within. He lets his hands hover above my body and I feel a odd tickling sensation and warmth on my tissues as he does whatever he's doing.

"She has acute dehydration." Alec says after a moment and my body tilts to the side and meets a chest.

"Of course. The lightning consumes all the water in her body, and combined with drinking... It makes perfect sense. Someone get her some water - Now!" Bronte shouts and I hear footsteps echoing away from us as someone runs off.

The person returns with a jug of water and helps me wet my lips. After a moment I grab it and chug all the water inside the glass jug, the cool liquid helping me regain clarity and consciousness.

"Thanks," I say as my mind starts functioning properly again and the ability to talk and form proper sentences slowly comes back. "I really need to start controlling the lightning thing."

I glance at Kit as I talk, thinking about how whenever I created lightning he was involved. First it was arguing and then it was kissing him, but it happened all the same in his presence. He triggers these feelings in me that are uncontrollable and strong, feelings that I've never had to deal with before. And the truth is that I don't know how to control them, control myself, and it scares me shitless.

His eyes meet my own when I mention lightning, as if he was thinking the same thing. He's standing to my right behind Alec and Bronte, near to the door. Kit's eyes are of the bluest blue imaginable in that moment, and they caress my own with his gaze. His irises are soft and unguarded as the thinks, and I watch his face intently as he does the same to mine. Then, finally, his eyes harden again with undiluted resolve and his eyebrows lower on his forehead and he looks away. He runs a hand through his hair and the muscle in his jaw ticks, and he's gone from the room in the swift steps of a shadow moving around.

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