The Hooded Figure

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It was 6am and I was outside my apartment building waiting for my girlfriend Beca because she was coming back from her vacation. She's always so late I thought. I walked  through the alleyway and stopped halfway. I could hear heavy footsteps behind me. I turned around to see a dark figure standing there wearing a hoodie. The person ran towards me, roughly pinned me against the brick wall and started kissing me furiously so I couldn't scream. They then began to slowly slide their hands down my skirt while sucking on my neck and ripped my skirt apart to reveal my red and black lacy underwear. I couldn't scream. I was frozen with fear. They moved their hand down to my ass and squeezed it repeatedly. My cheeks turned a bright red colour as I accidentally moaned with pleasure. The hooded figure giggled playfully and quickly took off their trousers to reveal that they were wearing a black thong. So this was a woman. They whispered to me "Did you miss me?" I was so confused. Does this person know me? The person took off the hoodie to reveal their face. I was shocked to see that it was BECA!!!

She was laughing hysterically when my mouth  dropped to the ground with surprise.

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