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Chapter 1: the sighting

Fiona's POV

Ever since I can remember, I have noticed one face, in the shadows, never in sunlight. that one face belongs to Marshall lee.

He is the vampire king. 1000 years old, known as a hidden person. no one has seen him in a long time.

But I saw his face throughout my childhood. I always wondered who this mysterious boy was. when I was five, I saw him in detail. he had gray-ish skin and two red dots on his neck. he flipped his black hair. I blinked and he was gone.

I could never tell if he was real or not.

When I turned 17 I saw him in my room, watching me sleep. "you're so pretty" I think he said. I turned my lamp on and he was gone.

I went to school the next day. I saw him near the door, far away from the windows. I never understood why.

I sat next to him. "hey. I'm Fiona, what's your name?" I said.

"Uh-um, I'm Marshall Lee." the deep voice pauses,"it's -uh,- nice to meet you."

"So- um- wanna get some pizza sometime?" I say, taking interest in this strange boy.

"Yeah, sure. wanna hang out at lunch?" he asks. I blush. "um, sure." I say.

During class, I can sense his eyes searching my face. we meet eyes, he looks away first, his face turning light pink.

Soon I get curious about him too. I study his face hoping to get a sign of some sort.

His black spiky hair is gelled up, that usually means he likes someone... but who? also, there's a nervous look in his eyes.

At lunch we sit across from each other, sharing a small pizza. he tells a few jokes, and I laugh at each one... 'I think I like him.' I think as we eat. "so where do you live bunny ears?" he plays with my hat, it has bunny ears on it, hence the nickname.

After school, we go home, meet up at the pizza place near my house.


Marshall's POV

I take her home after we eat. "I had had a nice time with you." she says. "me too." I say.

She looks at her feet and kisses me on the cheek. "sorry... I-i just had to-" "it's fine," I cut her off. I smile and take her hands in mine. "look, I like you, and that was nice, thank you." I say walking away.


Sorry if it's short or too long... pls vote and comment. I hope you like this story. I will update ASAP. bye!

March 8, 2014

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