"I'm afraid your sidekick is quite right. The Night Children have broken no laws. We're negotiating. The Mundane. Unharmed in exchange for the Mortal Cup. And the clock is ticking. Tick tock people." The vampire went on. Clary had gasped and everybody glared up at the vamp. The two vampire sdisappeared with nothing but Simon's shout for Clary left in the wind.

"Simon, no!" Clary cried out, breathing heavily. She continued to cry out for Simon, over and over again. Scarlett ran both her hands through her hair before grunting and turning to the redhead.

"Just shut up! We'll get your mundie boyfriend back!" Scar scolded angrily at Clary. Clary inhaled shakily, and took a step back away from Scarlett. Alec rested a hand on Scarlett's shoulder to try and calm her down, which did. And it didn't go unnoticed by the others. His touch relaxed her shoulder, and made her take a deep intake.

"Listen, I'm sorry. The City of Bones always puts me on edge and causes me to lash out." Scarlett apologised seeing as she felt guilty for making Clary even more afraid. Yeah, she found Clary annoying, but she has been put through a lot. Finding out Valentine is her father? That's got to be hard. Clary nodded softly towards Scarlett and she returned the nod.

Back at the institute, they were walking down the hallway into the screen room. "I still don't understand. How can Shadowhunters be better than what you people call mundanes?" Clary almost complained.

"We protect humans." Scarlett practically spat. She attempted to keep the sourness confined. She hated being rude but they had already explained this to her.

"You're right. Humans. You protect humans. You left Simon all alone in the van." Clary scolded, causing Izzy to sigh turn to stand beside Alec.

"Great job guys. You rock." Clary continued, causing the anger to bubble in Scarlett's veins getting ready to burst. Scar was about to step forward to lose it on the red head because she was trying to guilt trip Izzy, and being completely ignorant. Yes Izzy had left Simon alone but she wasn't expecting him to get kidnapped.

Alec stepped in front of Scarlett, blocking her from from unleashing her rage. "There is some truth to the idea that human beings should have a modicum of common sense." Alec deadpanned, obviously not being very impressed with Clary's choice of words. Isabelle had scolded Alec to quiet down, her not wanting to cause any unnecessary fights. Jace finally stepped in, trying to calm Clary down.

"Look, they won't do anything to Simon. They just wanted to draw you out. They want the cup, and they think you have it." Jace said almost soothingly. Scarlett sighed softly and cracked her knuckles out of habit. Alec had sent her a look, causing her to drop her hands to her sides where she attempted to quietly crack her knuckles one handed which she succeeded with until she felt a cold hand grab at her fingers. She looked to the hand and then trailed up. Jace had moved closer to Scarlett to try and help her with her bad habit. He was always there to help her.

Clary rolled her eyes softly at the action but then went on. "But why do they think that?Why does anyone think that? What, my mom lies to me my entire life except, 'Oh! By the way there'sthis magic cup, I hid on, like the planet Bongo, but don't tell anyone!'" Clary rambled on which earned an eye rolle from Scarlett and she lightly squeezed Jace's fingers. They were just looped together, mindlessly as their finger's toyed with one another.

"What am I supposed to do now?" Clary sighed deeply, her small outburst subsiding. Alec had seen Jace and Scar and so he attempted to do something that would cause the two to stop even having their fingers brush against one another. "We have to report to the Clave." He said sternly as he walked towards the screen room. Jace mumbled a small 'Great' and he tightened his grip on Scar the smallest big as he tugged the blonde with him as he followed Alec. The other two girls catching up with everyone.

"They have to know that we've learned about Valentine." Alec continued. Clary stopped yet again, upset with the tall brunette's words. "What, that he's my father? Great. Fine. Tell them. What good does that do to Simon?" Clary spat at him.

"By the angel," Scarlett muttered under her breath. "Okay Clary Fairfuck. It's simple and all connected. Vamps want the cup." Scarlett snapped wanting nothing more then to go and train with Jace or Alec or both.

Scarlett was about to go on but Clary responded, "Why? It makes new Shadowhunters."

"Nobody want's Valentine forming an army loyal to himself." Alec continued on for Scarlett, leaning against the way and trying to avoid looking over at Jace and Scarlett. "Plus it controls demons." Izzy added on. After that, Scarlett couldn't stand still any longer. She untangled her fingers from Jace and walked away heading towards the weapon room to put away her knuckles and then get changed.

Once finished getting changed, she tossed her hair into a ponytail and then was beckoned out by Alec's voice. She was in a striped crop top with a pair of loose grey sweats hanging low on her hips. The waistband of her underwear could be seen a little. Jace and Alec both saw her and noticed her lazy attire.

"Look at all these screens. Can any of this help find Simon?" Clary asked out loud as she wandered the screen room. Scarlett made a low grumble as she sighed and sat down at the table. "Only if you're smart enough to know how to use them." Scarlett joked.

"Oh come on Scar. You know better than anyone on how to use them. Don't play dumb." Jace retorted with a sloppy grin.

"I'm not playing dumb. I'm being lazy and reluctant." She spoke softly, and stuck her tongue out at the other blonde.

"No, you're just being boring and a bonehead," Jace responded with the same grin, "That's cute."

"This must be what talking to me is like." Scarlett pondered as she then smirked at the blonde.

The Lightwood's nodded their head's quite quickly along with Jace which resulted in a dramatic gasp coming from Scar.

"Now I'm really not helping you bonefucks."



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WOO!! Update with another shitty gif from yours truly. I hope you enjoyed my 6 minute late update and enjoy this book!

I know Scar seems like a bitch to Clary but that is for the purpose of this story.

Anyways. I love feedback and comments! So don't forget to like, and comment. I love you babes!


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