Choo choo on the robot

Start from the beginning

" doesn't look safe" she noted.

" neither does that" poiting towards the screen a white moutin was just out their view as they gasped.

" I'd rather jump"

" smart choice" pulling her out the door they leaped out the window sucking their breath.

- just keep dreaming

The train crashed onto a pile of icecrem as everyone fell on a giant cookie. they sat up eyeing the now broken train in shock.

" what does it mean if your train of thought wrecks?" Max questioned.

Patting his back Sharkboy shook his head.

" can't be good"

"How much time left Sharkboy?" Lavagirl asked.

"Twenty minute" he mumbled stepping forward. He slid as his foot got caught in a gap filled with goop. lifting his foot up he cleaned the side of it with his two fingers brining it to his mouth.

" ew stick to rotten fish please!" Lavagirl yelled as he licked his fingers clean. He made a face sputtering out the brown mess.

"chocolate!" He groaned "I stepped in chocolate". Adriana leaned forwards as she stuck her finger in the puddle of brown warmth before sticking it inside her own mouth.

" you ate my moms chocolate chip cookies, you didn't hate chocolate then" max questioned as Adriana started to slurp some chocolate out the pile.

"  don't remind me " he muttered crossing his arms. " I can't believe how you humans can enjoy such sugary treats."

" I haven't eaten sugar in seven years" Adriana said a puddle of chocolate covered half her face. " deal with it"

" You know many kids on your planet are diabetic because of that stuff".

" and you offered us a dead fish" Adriana muttered in the puddle. " I rather have di-a-betes then have di-a-rrhea"

" at least diarrhea doesn't give you a life threatening choice. "

" and atleast diabetes doesn't make you shoot hot lava out your butt" facing Lavagirl with a concern look she raised up one of her hands. " by the way how does that feel?".

" umm" she hummed. " we don't really use the bathroom, nor can we leave these suites so" poking her two fingers max stood up looking around.

" we're here." He spoke amazed. Everyone looked around admiring the sugary land. Jaw breakers as rocks, icecream as mountains and Cotten candy as clouds. The cookie floated in a stream of warm milky river which had surprised them with a sudden turn. Sharkboy stuck his hand in the milk feeling the warmth of it on his finger tips.

" the milk is warm he'll be out in a light"

" here, sit" lavagirl ordered setting max down on a marshmallow. Resting his head they eyed him close his eyes as Adrian said on her knees pressing her hand to his forehead.

" try dreaming us into the dream lair" she whispered gently brushing his hair across his forehead. Swiftly He shot up almost hitting her in the head.

"the grounds thumping to much" he complained.

" my highly trained ears here it too. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM" Sharkboy looked around. Adriana pressed her head to the ground hearing it as well.

"let me try" Lavagirl offered pressing her ear to the marshmallow.

" I wouldn't" Sharkboy warned. Swiftly the marshmallow quickly turned black as Adriana shifted away in fear. " hot head" he mumbled. She stood up looking around.

"when you dreamt of giant cookies who did you expect to be able to eat them?".

" I didn't think about it."

" to dream giant cookies then something must consume giant cookies." Adriana quickly gasped hearing a rumble. She went to the side trying to make the Cookie swim faster giving everyone a confused look. Sharkboy turned around as two giants stood up eying them dangerously.

" COOKIE GAINTS" he yelled jumping to the back of the cookie as he pushed it forward. Swiftly everyone scrambled on their feet practically jumping off the edge of the cookie to help push it forwards. A hand reached down in the pond picking up their cookie bringing it to its mouth.

" oh no no no" lavagirl said jumping off the cookie.

" I am not about to be a fish fillet" Sharkboy hissed jumping off the cookie as well.

Adrian clawed the cookie as Max grabbing her arm pulling her forwards and shoving her off the edge. Swiftly he jumped right after her right when the giant bit the cookie. He made a face coughing out the remaining bits in his mouth while the other patted his back. They smiled at each other holding hands before skipping away.

Everyone gaged as they fell on a sponge cake while Adriana fell on her knees.

" you even land on your feet like a cat" Sharkboy muttered dusting his claws.

" next time you're gonna push a girl give a little heads up" Adriana said standing up.

" those giants almost look like my parent" max noted.

" they seem happy together, was that your dream?" Lavagirl asked.

" it was, lately it hasn't been coming true yet" Adriana hugged him patting his back.

" just keep dreaming"

Started in the light, pulled to the dark ( a Sharkboy and lavagirl story)Where stories live. Discover now