dream, don't dream

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Sharkboy was the first to fall down, his face clouded with the ground as sand entered his mouth. Before he could move out the way Adriana landed on top of him which meant max and Lavagirl landed besides the. Lifting his chin up he narrowed his eyes.

" I think you broke my fin" pushing herself off him she sat on her knees staring at his blended fin. Hissing she grabbed the tip pulling it back to one piece as he growled at her. She gave him a nervous laugh standing up dusting off her slightly gray skirt. Everyone stood up dusting themselves as well as they began walking.

" at this rate I doubt we'll ever fine a way out this dump" Adriana mumbled slouching as she forced herself to walk further. 

" sorry this wasn't supposed to be a cruise, it's a rescue mission. You either keep on walking or slouch around. depend weather or not you want the darkness to catch up to you." As if on magic thunder classed behind them as they all perked up.

" great job ' sharky' you jinxed us all" Adriana hissed.

" guys! Your attitude is not making this journey easier nor faster" Lavagirl remarked. " we need to get max dreaming and fast". Looking over to the side she grabbed Max's arm pulling him over to two blocks in the road. Setting him down she sat next to him sighing.

" close your eyes and dream, if you can't remember your dreams than maybe you can re dream them".

" he could dream us out of here" sharkboy smiled.

" dream max" he closed his eyes tightly. There was an obnoxious silence before he fluttered them open sighing.

" I can't" he said. " every time I close my eyes all I see is pitch darkness"

" isn't that what your supposed to see?" Adriana questioned.

" if you're not max then yeah pretty much" sharkboy said, Lavagirl tapped her chin before smiling.

" stay still" she whispered. She grabbed Adriana's hand seating her down next to max. She placed her palm in his as a white glow was nearly visible to see. Her eyes where wide as a blush crept her cheeks. She turned to Lavagirl who nodded.

" better?" He nodded. " now what do you see?" He smiled tilting his head up licking his lips.

" I see a giant chocolate-chunk marshmallow cookie. With lots and lots of warm milk" he whispered. Narrowing their eyes he opened his own with a light smile on his face. " sorry, I'm starving".  Lavagirl dug into her pockets holding something out to him.

"here's some food" she offered.

" your not gonna like that" Sharkboy scoffed.

" I'm so hungry I can eat lava Rocks"max , obviously being exaggeration, took the handful of stones in her hands he placed them into his mouth crunching. His eyes where wide as his cheeks turned red. He spat them out coughing as his ear then neck tinted and blushed. " what was that?

" lava rocks" out of curiosity Adriana picked one of the rocks and licked it. Scrunching her nose she dropped his dusting her hands.

" they have no flavor, it's like devouring stones i found in the lake".

" here have some real food" Sharkboy held out a dead fish in his hands " fresh sushi it'll knock you right out" max gagged leaning backwards as Adriana pinched the bridge of her nose. she slapped the fish out Sharkboy's hands.

" and I always wondered why you smelled like dead fish" Adriana remarked.

" he could of eaten that" he yelled.

"no I wouldn't besides that was way pass fresh, I don't think it was sushi anymore" max fought

"It was only a few weeks old".

" I wouldn't care if it was a day old. The fact that it was in your pockets is good enough of a reason for me not to eat it. "

" don't act like as if you where gonna eat it either"

" hey, i'm hungry too you know. but i'm not that hungry to the point ill eat raw fish"

" well LG could of cooked it"

" she would of burned it"

" how do you know"

" GUYS" max yelled. " it's fine I, not hungry anymore. " he closed his eyes as Adriana grasped his hand again. Sharkboy walked the other way as examined  the darkness that was heading their way.

"it's getting closer" he yelled.

" really? Thanks no pressure" Adriana said showing off a fake smile.

" it's not my fault wh- HEY" Lala's swirled around Sharkboy singing a tune while he swatted his hands at them.  " get out of here" he hissed. Adriana chuckled to herself as Lavagirl sat next to max staring at him.

" max" she whispered. " I know you've got a lot to figure out, but if you happen to dream about who I am and how I fit into this world that would really be helpful for me.." Sharkboy zoomed in shushing her.

"no distractions if you steer him of course we could be lost in a sea of dreams."

" I'm sorry I'm desperate"

" you mind backing up? I can smell your tuna breath from over here" glaring at Adriana for a quick second his eyes slowly turned towards max.

" focus on the problem at hand, max needs to dream us out of here so why don't I put him to sleep" holding up his fist everyone perked up as max backed away slowly. Adriana stood in front of him holding her hands out as sharkboy inch closer to him a growl on his face.

" NO SHARKBOY" lavagirl yelled pressing her hands to his chest. pushing him backwards he continued to walk with no struggle at all. turning around she dug her feet into the ground as she tried to stop herself from sliding. slipping she fell to the ground as sharkboy walked over her. 

" touch him I'll break your fin again " she threatened.

" come on just one punch, he'll be out like a light"

" i don't forget all my dreams though" max said defending himself looking around he pointed towards a metal stick in the ground" see this. I know this, it's a hand" he stopped walking looking up in confusion.  " it is a hand" 

" a hand, that's your best excuse?" Adriana whispered. Sharkboy stopped as everyone faced him. 

" another hand" he looked in shock and gasped smiling like a kid on Halloween. " it's tobor!"

Started in the light, pulled to the dark ( a Sharkboy and lavagirl story)Where stories live. Discover now