This is gonna be a good day.... Or not p2

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* Back to Chuckee Cheese *

Kiaa: Nothings changed I see.

Lateyah: I know right

Shawnti: Soo... what do yall wanna do first?

Lexis: Cus i'm down for whatever man lolss

Kiaa: lolss lets sit down first cus I'm hungry yo

( Theyy all look at kiaa)

Everyoneacceptkiaa: FAT

Kiaa: Now yall know yall hungry man stop

( They all get to a table and sit down they didn't notice MB and some girls sitting behinde them )

Shawnti: Man This pizza bomb

Kiaa: &&' you know this man lolss

( Now I don't know what type of music plays in Chuckee Cheese but in this one Teach me how to dougie comes on )

Allofthem: Ayeeeeeeee

Shawnti: Dance Kiaa!!!!

Lexis&&'Lateyah: Yeahh dancee

( Kiaa hops on their table and starts dougieing)

* Now everybody in Chuckee Cheese is watching Kiaa dance and they start clapping after she starts dancing*

( Kiaa was cheesing extra hard lmao)

* Girls Talking Bout Starts Playing*

( They all get up this time and do a whole dance routine.. They get done and Kiaa turns around and sees.. )

Kiaa: Hubbaaa Hubba Hubbbaaa MB

Lexis,lateyah,&&' Shawnti: OMGGG!!!!

MB: wassup ladies

( They all just stare at each other when some girls walked up)

Lateyah: who are they?

RayRay: Our dates

( MB's dates were like this:

Roc's girl: Jada

Prince girl: Ciara

RayRay's girl: Aubrey

Prrodigys girl: Tyanna)

Jada: Actually girlfriends *kisses roc and he smiled*

( Kiaa starts to get sad because she really liked roc)

Kiaa: ohh. umm nice meeting yall umm lets go yall

Shawnti: We just got here not to long ago Kiaa

Lateyah: Naw lets just go yall spending the night with us tonigh?

Lexis&&'Shawnti: Slumber Party it is!!!!!!

( They leave but lateyah forgot something and went back )

If This Isn't Love... Tell Me What it is? ( A Mindless Behavior Love Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя