Chapter One.

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Peaceful dreams flood my mind; freedom, waterfalls, and magical rainbows. All of them having everything in common; tranquil thoughts, every fiber in my body relaxing, nothing harmful, and most of all so full of bright white light... No longer in darkness.

Instantly I am swept up into a gigantic wave, every drop of water supporting my weight evenly. Water swirling and gripping at my arms and legs, pulling in every direction, bounding me under the ocean further and further. My whole body is filled with water, pure salty ocean foam that clogs up my throat and breaks my airway. But no matter how far under I am, I still see pulsing bright light. How is this peaceful? Because when I die, I know it's going to be more painful than this...

I am pulled back to reality when I hear my alarm clock blare Santana's Gypsy Queen. Smiling, I roll over and prop my hands behind my head, mouthing the lyrics as it got to my favorite part of the song.

She danced around and around

To a guitar melody,

From the fire her face was all aglow

How she enchanted me.

Sighing, I rolled out of bed and ruffled through my dresser, picking out a nice black button down shirt and a pair of black jeans. I went to the bathroom, ignoring the ever present feeling of stiff ice pierce my bare ash white feet. I combed my fingers through my hair, noticing how it falls limp agianst my eyes. A small red dot catches my attention, and I turn my hand over, my lips curling up at the memory.

A small heart, attached to me forever, or atleast until Kerry's master comes and kills me. Then I have no clue what the heart does. It would be creepy if it floated out of me after I die. I shuddered, but not from the cold floor.

I hopped in the shower and turn on the water to the cold slot, gently rolling my shoulders back trying to loosen the knots. My skin prickles with numbness, but I'm use to the cold by now.

After I shower, I quickly dress and comb my hair, and also adding a bright grey tie to my shirt for show. Kerry would love that, I thought. She always loved grey and white things. Never black, nothing darker. What else could you expect from an enchanted glass doll?

My room is on the third floor, which is still a far way to go if you want to get to the fifth floor to climb a ladder to the attic. I barely move outside of this house, but I'm still not puzzled why I have a little muscle on me. Mom was right about Father losing all his extra weight when we got here. He dropped six pant sizes since we moved. Mom just smirked and made 'I told you so' face at him.

"The Things A Nine Year Old Shouldn't See Room" is on my floor. It's fun to go and sneak in there at night and look at all the paintings from the dull light of the moon coming in through the curtains Mom hung up. All the wrong worldly pictures Mom would have a heart attack over right at my eyes.

When I hit the top of the fifth floor, I don't hesitate when walking right into the wall. I felt no pain, nothing at all. Just the feeling of pure goodness wrapped around me, washing away all the negative things in my head before being greeted with a cool whisk of summer breeze that runs throughout the small hallway wide and free. Climbing up the ladder and pushing the small latch open, I am greeted with a familiar white light.

"You're forty-one seconds late." Kerry said, propped up against the glass frame of her bed. Her long white hair was pulled back into a thick braid that cascaded down her back, and the glass dress she wore the first day I met her was still on her.

I bowed my head. "I'm sorry." I said, gently sitting down right on the bed beside her. The curtains were parted and little drops of sunlight came in, illuminating the room to even more degrees of light.

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