tuesday, may 14, 2016, 12:06 P.M.

1.1K 21 9

the following was footage of a news report following the unfortunate event happening at wentsworth secondary school. viewers discretion is advised.

hello everybody, welcome to the wentsworth news, channel 21. my name is holly lyn chester, and i am at the scene of the horribly-upsetting event of the wentsworth secondary school shooting. as you can see behind me, police are thoroughly investigating the school, especially the classrooms this shooting occured in. ambulances are everywhere, pulling in and transporting bodies from their places in the classrooms to the wentsworth hospital emergency rooms. parents are swarming the area with their children, the students, some sobbing. some are hugging and talking, saying forsaken 'i love you's. some are just in silence, just trying to digest what has happened just a mere three to four hours ago.
police are trying to converse with students who have seemed to come to terms with what happened, who may have been victims or witnesses of the ordeal.
"i wasn't anywhere near the classrooms when it happened," says kate lovington, a student in the same year as most of the victims, "I was in a completely different hall, the fine arts hall to be exact, when the lockdown alarm rang through the halls. i remember my heart stopping, being confused for a second, trying to remember if we were supposed to have a drill today. then, i heard students screaming from the rooms near me, and i immediately dropped the art supplies i had in my arms and ran to the nearest classroom, and luckily i was let in as the door shut. the entire situation in itself was horrifying."
another student, nick saunter, commented on the events leading up to the event.
"i was in the same hallway as the shooting, i was just across the hall. we all had no idea of what was happening, like, we were all just doing our work as normal. when the lockdown alarm sounded in our classroom, at first, the teacher was checking his computer to see if he had any emails about a drill occuring, and seeing that it wasn't, everybody did the opposite of what we did in our drills; scream, run, talk. all of this, instead of being quiet and hiding. it was quite a scary situation to be in, and i'm just grateful to be alive."
several students and teachers and parents are still in shock as they try to think about the unexpected turn of events this dreadful tuesday has brought to us today. furthermore, everyone is still in shock as to who did it.
due to careful camera surveillance of the event, it is apparent to all-involved that the clear suspects of this massacre were two boys in year 12, named daniel howell and philip lester.

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