1. A Golden Eye

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"Althalos, remember to always be kind to your people." Althalos looked up at his father, the king.

He was only at the age of ten at the time. "Why do I have to be kind to them? Most of them are ungrateful peasants." Althalos said with an annoyed tone as he rolled his eyes, the king laughed as he heard his son speak like this.

He had always thought that his youngest son will soon start to see the true meaning of having to be a great king.

His three sons were all so different from each other. Each one of them had a different personality from one another as they also looked nothing alike.

His oldest son, Berinon was too kind for his own good, he was too kind and too forgiving. His second son Xalvador, was too evil to his own people, he was one to kill anyone without hesitation who disagreed with him. And his youngest son was a mixture of them both.

The king wanted his third son to rule the three kingdoms instead of his two older sons. He knew that his oldest son was too kind which would lead to people taking advantage of him. And his second son was too evil which would lead to his own people turning against him and most likely causing wars among the kingdoms.

"Althalos, you must understand that they are your people. Whether they be peasants or not, you were born to save them all." Althalos listened, not really understanding what his father meant by saying 'save them all.'

Althalos opened his eyes as he sat on his red throne, he had remembered the discussion that he had with his father many years ago. He sighed as the moans and cries of pleasure filled his ears.

"Our lord, please look at us!" Althalos slowly gazed up to see the two slaves touching each other. They were playing around with each other's naked bodies that were dripping with sweat. He smirked as he motions for them both to come sit on his lap.

The women happily obeyed with a look of pleasure on their faces. As the first slave sat on his lap, he cupped her face in between his hands and roughly kissed her. He felt as the other slave sat on his lap too, she slowly put one of her hands on his abdomen and the other hand on his arm to get his attention.

He bit the bottom lip of the woman before pulling away. As he was about to give his attention to the other slave that looked more than desperate for him, the doors of his throne room suddenly burst opened.

The look on the slaves faces turned into one of annoyance, knowing that their lord was about to ask them to leave at once.

"Prince Althalos, pardon my disturbance." The guard said as he got down on one knee and bowed his head to Althalos.

Althalos looked at him with an empty expression on his face. "What is it that you want, Benedict?" The guard looked up and looked into Althalos eyes.

Benedict cleared his throat before speaking. "We have someone who keeps insisting on seeing you. He has said to have brought you an item that you would be more than interested on." The guard loudly spoke.

Althalos kept his eyes on Benedict, "leave us." He said to the two salves who looked like they were about to complain right before Althalos gave them a look that they feared.

Both of them stood up and quickly started to make their way out. Althalos watched as both the slaves walked out of the throne room, completely naked. The two guards that were standing by the door turned their heads towards the two slaves as they passed near them.

"What is this item that he speaks of?" Benedict nods his head, "it's a child."

Hearing that, catches Althalos interest. Why would someone bring a child to him? "Bring this man that you speak of to me at once." Benedict nodded his head, he motions for the two other guards that are standing by the doors to let the unknown man in.

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