Chapter 11: Duel Pursuit

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Seeley and Jacobi listened to the static that was now coming from Ben's radio channel.

"Shit something is wrong," grumbled Jacobi.


Bryan had now made a decision, one that could quite possibly kill him. His hands were cuffed in front of him. He waited until Mark wasn't looking in the rear view mirror, he then quickly sat up, lifted his arms over Mark's head and pulled back toward him. Bryan began to apply pressure to the cuffs around Mark's neck but as Mark began to panic he began to swerve franticly. Mark's car flipped onto the driver side and slid across the road before hitting a couple of parking meters and a street lamp.

Seeley slammed on the brakes; Jac and Seeley got out of the car and pointed their guns toward the wreck. Jacobi walked cautiously toward the half destroyed car.

"Seeley, cover me," said Jac as he continued over to the wreck.

The car was on the driver side; Jac climbed the car and looked in, what was left of the front passenger window. He could see Mark who seemed either dead or out cold. Jac looked in the back passenger window and saw Bryan.

"Bryan...Bryan it's Jac, can you hear me?" said Jacobi, "Seeley, call EMS."

Seeley nodded to him then went back to the car and called it in over the two-way.

Jacobi climbed in as much as he could to reach for Bryan and pull him out; he noticed Bryan was handcuffed. As much as it would hurt Bryan it was possibly the only way to pull him out. Jac grabbed Bryan by the handcuffs and tried to lift. Bryan yelped in pain; he was still conscious,

"Bryan, sorry bud I didn't know you were awake, can you tell me what hurts?" asked Jacobi.

Bryan smiled a bit,

"Everything," mumbled Bryan in pain.

Jacobi grabbed out his keys and unlocked the cuffs on Bryan.

"C'mon partner, let's get you out of here," said Jacobi as he helped Bryan slowly out of the wreck.

Bryan could barely stand as they slowly walked over to Seeley's car; Jacobi walked behind Bryan. Seeley was still on the radio to EMS.

A shot rang off; Jacobi looked behind him to see Mark hanging out the front passenger window with a gun pointed at him. Jacobi looked at his chest to see blood starting to ooze out. Bryan noticed blood coming out the back of Jacobi too; he then looked at himself to see blood coming out a bullet wound. The bullet had travelled though Jacobi and lodged in Bryan. Jacobi dropped to the ground and lied on his back; Bryan dropped also.

Mark grinned and chuckled a bit,

"3 words Detectives, Amour ­– Piercing – Rounds," Laughed Mark, "I was ready for you all but not for Bryan attacking me. You keep forgetting; I'm an FBI agent I know all of your squad's tricks."

Mark heard a Glock cock behind him,

"Not all," added a voice.

Mark turned to see Nathan 15 feet away pointing a gun at him.

"Nate, you must be their cavalry; tell me, how well can you shoot with a finger missing?" asked Mark.

Nathan smiled,

"Well enough to shoot the fuel tank of the car you're hanging out of right now," replied Nathan.

Mark pointed his gun at Nathan.

"You people just couldn't leave me alone," snapped Mark.

"Mark, drop the gun, now!" ordered Nate as he aimed, "DROP IT!"

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