Chapter 4 - Raise a glass

Start from the beginning

Jason: I love her but I love you....

I turned my phone off and placed it on the wooden bedside table. It was time for college once again. Josh wasn't on the bus, he wasn't answering my texts. Something was wrong. I tried not thinking about him. Luke came and took his thread bare seat on the bus, "Hey," he smiled awkwardly fiddling with his hands. "Hi," I smiled, "Thank you for my flowers, they are beautiful." He blushed, "Beautiful people deserve beautiful flowers..." I stuttered, "Thank you." 

I ran to my friends Amber and Emily. I couldn't see Josh anywhere but my friends looked like they had been crying non-stop. "What's up?" I asked. They stared at me as if I was stupid, "Josh.....He's dead," They cried out. My heart stopped, "Your lying! That's fucked up! Your fucked up! Tell me your lying!" I erupted into floods of tears. "No Bella we're not lying!" Amber cried hugging me.

I fell to the floor crying I felt like my world had just come crashing down. I never even told him how much he meant to me. I should have stopped him yesterday and told him. "How?" I asked my bottom lip quivering as tears streamed from my eyes. 

The words that came next felt like someone had ripped out my heart and hit it with a sledgehammer... Suicide....

"FUCK!" I screamed, "FUCK! No I don't believe you!" They crouched to the ground and hugged me much like Josh used to do, this only made me worse. He was my safety blanket my best friend. For fucks sake he was the only person that had ever truly been there and I never even let him know how much I loved and appreciated him...

I ran out of the college gates when a tall dark figure obstructed my path. I slammed into the full force sending me flying to the ground, "Get out the way slut," He shouted. I looked up. It was Jason. 

It was if someone had just turned my full on bitch mode on, "And who the fuck are you like?! Get out of my way you prick!" I screamed pushing him out of my way.

 I ran as fast as I could and stopped in the bus stop to catch my breath and light a cigarette. It was then I looked over to see Jason kissing another girl. It wasn't Tara. He's just a fucking player! 

Luke came running up to me, "Bella, come here," He frowned as he seen my puffy eyes and runny nose. He passed me a tissue and pulled me into a hug. I embraced it. It felt like I was hugging him... Josh. What was happening?

I grabbed my bag and stood up looking into the distance. "Come on, I'm here," Luke planted a kiss on my head. I didn't know weather to be pissed off or comforted. "I can't believe he's gone," I whimpered. He stroked the hair from my face and kissed my wrist, "I won't let anything bad happen to you..." I gasped. I was so confused. "Thanks," I muttered as I picked out another cigarette. He walked to my house with me and we bumped into Jason.

"The fuck you doing with him?" Jason shouted at me. I stuck my middle finger up and replied, "What's it got to do with you?" He lunged towards me pushing me to the floor. "Get up bitch! Fight me!" He taunted as he kicked me. "Get off her!" Luke yelled as he punched Jason in the face. "Leave us alone Jason!" I cried trying to pick myself up. Jason pulled out a knife and lunged at Luke. I didn't stop to think. I placed myself in front of the knife, I felt it's sharp blade slide into my side. 

"Fuck!" Jason screamed as he began to run, leaving the 9-inch blade embedded in my side. "AHHH!" I cried out watching the blood pour down my side. "Fuck I'm so sorry!" Luke kept saying. I couldn't feel anything apart from the wound that was deep and pouring with blood. "It's not your fault," I whispered.

Luke carried me to the hospital. He couldn't pull the knife out, it could kill me. We arrived at the hospital, I had lost so much blood. I was weak and pale. "What happened?" Nurses were speaking around me. "She jumped in front of me and took the hit of the blade," Luke cried. The nurse shook her head, "Silly girl... So, so silly," I could hear her say as she put me onto a bed.

Luke held my hand while the nurses removed the knife and stitched me up. "Your beautiful body..." Luke sobbed, "This is my fault I'm sorry Bella... I'm so sorry!" I looked at him with tears in my eyes, "No shut up forget about it! It's my fault let's leave it there!" He looked at me in shock. "I think I love you," He whispered climbing onto my bed. "I think I love you too..." I whispered back. He slid next to me and I turned to lie on his chest minding my side. 

Within seconds I was fast asleep. Shit! I could have died. Why did I risk my life for him? I must really like him...

A/N: OK so I had a change of heart I didn't think Jason would be a good boyfriend and I found Luke would be better cos he already acted like a dick even tho he was meant to be a bad boy, but I could find more of a connection between Luke and Bella... Hope you guy's like the little plot twist at the end. 

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