"That was our deal!" I said angrily. "You can0t send me away!"

"He won't find out," he said simply.

"What if I tell him?" I said glaring,

"How?" he said smirking. "I now have your phone."

I stood there shocked. Oh shit. 


"NO," I said defiantly.

"Drag her," he said to his bodygaurds.

Soon, I was trying to get free from the strong gripps on me.

"LET ME GO!" I shouted angrily. "I'm not getting on that plane!"

"You are geting in it," my grandfather said glaring. "You've got nothing to be here for."

I looked at the floor glaring, again, tears find they're way to my eyes.

"I DO!" I shouted angrily. "I have friends! Real friends! Thnks to you I think I lost them today, but I don't care! I have to stay to make everything right!"

My grandfather's eyes suddenly got wide, making me confused.


Suddenly I was on the floor, and then two strong arms lifted me up.

"I looked up confused, seeing Tamaki with a serious expression in his face.

"Noone can take my daughter away!" he said, surpricing me with his angry tone.

"You made a deal," Kyoya said to my grandfather, "And you should keep it. I'm Kyoya Ootori, in case you dind't know."

My granfather looked at me with a weird look as everyone took a protective stance around me, all of them glaring.

"Ootori, Hitachiin, Haninozuka, Morinozuka... and even a Suou..." he muttered, his eyes lingered in HAruhi, but he said nothing. He sighted finally. "I have never had problems with your familys, and I wouldn't like to start now."

He looked to me, and I could tell he was angry.

"You can stay here," he said, then turning away, and leaving.

I stood there shocked. Did he just say...?

"Now Yuki," Tamaki said still serious, "Why did you do that?"


"WHY DID YOU TELL US ALL THAT?" Kikaru shouted annoyed.


I stood there shocked. 

"But I htought-"

"Just don't do that again," Kyoya interrupted, with a weird expression. "Next time something's wrong, say it. It could save us the trouble of having to investigate."

I looked at them, still a bit shocked, and then I felt self-consious about my tear-strained face, so I did the first thing that came to my mind to hide it, I hugged Tamaki. He stood there shocked, until finally he hugged me back, making me cry even more.

We where now in the limo, and everything was quiet. I was just looking at my hands in shame. I should've told them... and nothing woul've happened. I was so stupid.

I sighed... well, to late now... I dohave to take car of something though. I looked up, with a menazing glare, sirpricing everyone.

"We will not speack of this ever again. This never happened."

"What?" Hikaru said smirking, "You crying? or... You hugging Tamaki?"

"I didn't hug him!" I said angrily. "I used him to hide the fact I was crying!"

"I was used!" Tamaki said sulking is his place.

"So you cryied?" Kaoru said sidehugging me. "Don't worry, we all want hugs when we cry."


They all looked at me raising they're eyebrows teasingly. EVEN KYOYA FOR GOD'S SAKE!

"FINE!" I said pouting and crossing my arms. "I cryied a little, and I hugged Tamaki. Now leave me alone."

"SO CUTE!" the twins and Tamaki cooed at th same time, making me blush a little and glare a lot. 

Stupid club that just have to make me like them. Agh,


sorry! so short! it's just... I notic4ed the deadline was over for the cd... SOOOOO this is what happened! Cheers for the Power Rangers Host Club!! WUUUUU!

Stuck in the Host Club (O.H.S.H.C. fan-fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora