The Burrow

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"You truly doubted her? For gods sake she's Isabella Potter."

I looked at the blonde boy who just rendered Bellatrix unconscious and when he turned around I was met with silver eyes. We just stood looking at each other until Severus spoke up.

"What do we do now?" he asks looking at all the unconscious death eaters.

"Well after we just saved your arse the least you can do is make it so they don't remember us fighting for you." The blonde says rudely.

"Obliviate." I whisper and remove each of their memory's to the point before Severus and the blonde helped me.

"Good now give me my fathers wand." He says taking the wand out of my hand. "And your welcome. Now leave before they wake up. I know where your brother is you can use floo powder to go to the burrow."

"Whats the burrow?" I ask as him pushes me into the chimney.

"Its where the Weasley's live." He says in a almost disgusted manner. I remember the Weasley's very little. But it was their house that was the last place i saw anyone with a good heart.

"Just say 'The Burrow' and throw the powder on the floor." I shake my head up and down and grab the powder.

"And don't think this makes us friends. This is hopefully the last time I see you. Yet if i do this was my last time helping you Potter. Cover your own arse next time."

"Why are you such a prick?" I ask him in a very sharp tone hoping he'll realize hes being a huge jerk. I was very grateful for his help i always will be but wow. Not going to be bestfriends anytime soon with that attitude.

"The same reason your such a whinny brat." I roll my eyes and wave goodbye to Severus. I say the Burrow very clearly and start to throw my powder down.

"Mommy and daddy never taught us any better did they?" I could have killed him but before i could even respond i was in a different house.I immediately grab a vase and throw up in it.

"Who's getting sick in the living room?" I hear a woman yell. I hear footsteps walking into the room and i hide the vase behind my back. I feel so dizzy and sick it takes me a moment to see who it was.

"Mrs.Weasley! I'm so happy to see you!" I yell running over to hug her. She stands there shocked.

"I'm sorry dear but i don't think we've met." Her confused face makes me remember how long I've been gone. She takes a step back.

"Its me. Isabella. Isabella Potter." She looks at me for a second dumbfounded.

"I don't believe you." She reaches for her wand.

"No! I really am!"

"Tell me something only Isabella would know." She reply's to my protests.

"You knitted me the blue scarf with my installs on it." I tell her remembering the Christmas I had spent here. "You said it would complement my pale complexion." Her expression immediately softened and she hugs me so hard i can barely breath.

"Everyone come downstairs now!" She screams as loud as she can. She holds on to me so tight as if she thought I was about to disappear if she didn't.

I hear loud footsteps it sounds as if there's a million people coming down the stairs. I recognize some of them but others i am totally lost. They stand there looking at me like they can recognize me but not enough to know who i am. But then I see the one face i could never forget. I hear people whispering "Is that? No it couldn't be. It cant be her shes dead."

I make eye contact with him the second he looks in my direction. "Harry." I whisper walking towards him eventually running. I practically jump on him. Harry wraps his arms around me and squeezes.

"Izzy, I thought you were dead." He chokes out. I start sobbing. He buries his head into my shoulder and i do the same to him.

We pull away and Harry pulls me into a side hug. His fingers digging into my side "I would like to introduce those of you who do not already know her. This is my sister Isabella Severus Potter."

Everybody starts whispering. Fred,George, Hermione, Ginny, and Ron all tackle me at once. Once they get off i can finally breath so i can talk to Harry.

"Is my middle name really Severus? That's so cool. I met a man named Severus. I am very fond of him he was very nice to me. I mean he's the only reason i'm alive." I thought of Severus and that prick. I wonder how they will lie their way out of time escaping.

"Severus Snape?"

"You know him?" I asked Hermione.

"He's who your named after. He was our mothers best friend. He's a death eater you shouldn't go near him."Harry says sitting me down on the couch.

"You cant judge someone just because their a death eater. I met some good people who just got caught up in the wrong stuff, born into the wrong family, or were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Death eaters have hearts too." I defend them. I know how it feels to be a death eater without a choice. I thank Mrs.Weasley for the warm blanket she hands to me.

"How are you even here? How are you alive? I was sure he'd kill you right away for being a Potter." Harry says. I never thought about all the questions i'd end up being asked. I'm probably the best source about The Dark Lord they have.

"I used Lucius's wand and." I stopped thinking about how they would handle it but they would do the same. "And well I used the Crutiatus Curse and two people helped me and we took them all down and I ran."

"The Unforgivable Cure?" Hermione says gasping.

"I had to get out of there you don't understand and I've heard it so many times i panicked and it slipped." I start to panic a little just defending myself about it.

"Hey. You did what you had to do." I look up to see Neville. It mean't the most coming from him.

"I called Dumbledore he will be here soon."A man who looked a lot like Ron says.

"But why didn't he kill you yet?" Ron asks. I laugh.

"He wouldn't kill me Ron." I laugh. Everyone looks at me like I'm mad. "He is in love with me. The reason i had to get out tonight was because he announced our marriage." I hear even more gasps the before. I feel so disgusted with myself. Whats wrong with me that a man that awful would fall in love with me. "He wants us to produce a heir to rule after the war. A war he plans on winning."

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